Washington Energy Committee

Minutes August 2010




Present: Al Krygeris, Bob Fraser and Johanna Young



Minutes were accepted as written.


Al suggested that we have a direct link on the departments page of the web site to the Energy committee pages. We also should check for any outdated information.


TRC has said not to migrate the energy data, yet, because they will be using it to check on the status of the town garage project.


Al sent the RFP to TRC and they said it was "awesome", but that we need to have an evaluation process.


RFP must be posted on a state website, which will be www.admin.state.nh.us/recovery/bidform.doc. We can also send it to others who requested it. So far we have two proposals, Nickerson and Hog Weed.


Al said we could set up a point system like Canterbury did for their projects. He will check with the selectmen about it.


Bob says once it's installed there are people in town that could do the maintenance, as needed.


Old Business:


Old Home Day – a number of people stopped by the table and picked up information or stopped by to chat.


New Business:


Discussed the Old School House and projects for making it more energy efficient. Al thought we would have to do it as a package.


Respectfully submitted by,



Johanna Young, Washington Energy Committee Chair