Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – January 16, 2008

Assembly time: 7:00 PM.

Present: Carol Andrews, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Johanna Young, Lindley Rankine, Don Richard

               Visitor: Arin Mills

1.0    Approval of Minutes: November minutes, Johanna motioned to accept as written, Lindley seconded, vote was unanimous to accept.

2.0   Old Business:

2.1    Dredge and Fill Committee – DES sent notice of project on Highland Lake near Freezeland Creek, Michael Bossetti, TM 20-161, he intends to put in a temporary wooden ford to cross Freezeland Creek to build a bridge crossing for construction on his property. Jed will talk to Rich about keeping an eye on the project.

2.2    Energy Committee – The PSNH "Smart Start" people will be coming out to meet with the Energy Committee in February. Johanna met with the School Board about the school energy audit and the Chairman agreed to come meet with the "Smart Start" people when they come to town. The Energy Committee is thinking about using funds they have raised to give some CFL bulbs to the Food Pantry for distribution. They are also thinking about starting a carpooling group. Another thought is to do a formal dinner, as a benefit, during the summer using locally grown food.

2.3    Planning Board update – Several new ordinances and initiatives will be on the ballot at Town Meeting in March.

2.4    NRI – Everyone needs to review the maps and see if they have any changes or comments. They have been posted on the website so people have access to them. Carol will check with Chris to see if he has the latest version of ArcGIS. Don suggested that we give our NRI map data to Granit to add to their data base and website. Everyone will take a look at the Granit site: http://www.granit.unh.edu

         We need to work on a summary version of the Conservation Plan for Town Meeting. We will include a map and description for each area. We will work on this electronically for now. We should also get the finished maps to display at the meeting.

2.5    EW Watershed Grant - Jed reported that the DES grant was awarded to the group. They have a proposal to fill out for the final round due in late January.

3.0    New Business  - None

4.0    What's Happening in Nature?

         Jed reported that a mink snuck into the Eccard's chicken house and killed eight birds including a swan. For more information on minks and other weasels see the New In Nature section of our website for the month of March 2007: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html//NewinNature2007.html.

         Don followed up on his sea urchin (Chestnut) story. He has found that there are quite a few Chestnut trees in the state and they should be listed as endangered because, as things are right now, they have no protection at all. He thinks he has found the mate to his tree and will keep a careful eye on how they are faring in the future. Carol saw a Barred Owl one morning as it flew across the road in front of her car. Johanna saw a six legged bug walking in the snow at night. She wondered if anyone knew what it could be. Snow fleas have also been observed. To find out more about bugs in the snow go to our "What's New in Nature?" section: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


5.0   Other Business – None

5.0   Correspondence:

         Note from Jackie Weldon to all department heads stating that all budget items need a number assigned to them for her new accounting program.

               DES  - Complete Forestry notification

7.0   Adjourned at 8:25 PM, our next scheduled meeting is February 20th at 7 PM at the Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz
