Washington Conservation Commission
Minutes – January
17, 2007
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz, Sandy Robinson, briefly in attendance:
Laurie Dube, Michael Dube
1.0 Approval of Minutes: approved as printed, motion by Sandy, seconded by Jed.
2.0 Old Business:
and Fill Committee - None.
Natural Resource Inventory Carol showed us a new map with all the tax parcels on it and the constraints to development. We discussed getting the available, unbuilt lots colored differently so that people can readily see all the available lots already parceled out in town. The partial constraints to development shown are the previously developed areas, existing structures, the shore land protection zone, and flood prone areas. The absolute constrains are conservation lands, wetlands, well head protection areas and steep slopes of more than 15%. We will ask if we can add the aquifers to the constrains map and refine the wetlands areas. We also looked at the watershed overlay. These maps will be helpful when having a conversation about growth in town and also for the planning board.
Meeting Issues – The Planning Board has three ballot articles with
changes to the Land Use Ordinance. The first is concerning setbacks for septic
systems from ditches or culverts of 35 feet. The second is a change in the
cluster housing ordinance
considering a change to the need for 100 feet of road frontage and deeded
rights to common land, They want to allow lots of less than an acre in a cluster
development if the common land is increased proportionally. The third article
concerns the exclusion of wetlands from counting into the acreage needed for a
building lot. The Planning Board is holding a public hearing on January 23rd.
Everyone should try to attend and speak about these issues.
2.4 What's Happening in Nature? After record warmth and wetness in the end of 2006, we are now in the deep freeze with no snow to speak of. Let's hope all the animals who hibernate have now gone to sleep for the rest of the winter.
3.0 New Business: None
4.0 Correspondence
– December 2006
newsletter "Environmental News"
flyer on Land Resource Management Workshops for 2007
Correspondence –
January 2007
5.0 Other Business - None
6.0 Adjourned at 8:15 p.m., our next scheduled meeting is February 21st at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz