Washington Conservation Commission
Ð January 17, 2023
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Meeting at Town Hall.
Members present: Arin
Mills, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz
Visitors: Mark Florence
of Minutes: November minutes approved as written, no December meeting held.
Permits Committee Ð
TM 17-23, Shoreland PBN, expanding deck, under
technical review
Mountain Holdings LLC,
TM 5-1, Forestry PBN, logging, complete
Calabro, TM 14-184, Shoreland
PBN, tree removal from waterfront buffer, accepted
McLaughlin Trust, TM 16-82, Shoreland
Standard, Island Pond, raze house and replace in same footprint, approved.
Audrey Kern, TM 17-50, Millen Pond
Road, Shoreland PBN, adding catch basin for stormwater, accepted.
Ed Thayer (DPW,) Millen Pond Road, Routine road maintenance.,
culvert replacement, disqualified, need pictures. Arin wrote Ed to offer her
help in getting what is needed for the application.
NEFF, TM 15-42, Forestry PBN,
Goshen Hill Farm, LLC, TM 1-1, Forestry SBN,
Cordeiro, TM
12-201, Expedited Minimum Wetlands Permit, for driveway, more information
Black, TM 15-89, 1021 Millen Pond Rd., Shoreland Permit for razing existing structure and
replacing, new septic, approved
Horton, TM 11-42, Standard Dredge and Fill, minor
impact, approved.
TM 25-116, 1681 Valley Road, reported violation, construction of 2 garages and
altered an existing structure in protected shoreline. Restoration plan accepted.
TM 24-58, 46 Lookout Point Road, installation of dock without a permit.
- Complaint of violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone, no
follow up yet
* these are complaints
with no follow up by DES, Arin to make an information request.
Arin suggested that we remove all shoreland permits from the permits list because we donÕt
have oversight of them. Nan will do that next month.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports -
3.1 Land Protection Committee Ð After a meeting and discussion with
the BoS about their alternate plan for protecting the
Camp Morgan property they said would be working toward a warrant article for
Town Meeting. They asked for our help with drafting language but we havenÕt
heard anything since. Arin will contact them for a copy of what they are
proposing. Arin brought up Anita BlakemanÕs letter to
the BoS concerning the earlier meeting with Forest
Society members about the Conservation Easement for Camp Morgan. Arin thought
it was inaccurate and inappropriate. She has also sent comments about a cut in
the Camp Morgan Town Forest. Jed said she should be speaking with the Forestry
Committee. It is a messy situation. Nan made a bulleted document concerning
Camp Morgan and all the town entities involved with the property that she
shared with CC members, she feels it makes things clearer to all parties. We
decided that a meeting with the BoS to talk things
through would be appropriate and floated January 26th at 3PM as a
date and and alternate date of February 4th. Arin will set something
3.2 Energy Committee Ð Not meeting.
3.3 Planning Board Ð Nan said the LUO
update to address driveways was vetted by the town attorney but PB members
werenÕt happy with changes he had made to their proposed language. They decided
to withdraw that section from the ballot and keep working on it this year.
3.4 Forestry Committee Ð
They arenÕt meeting.
Legislative update Ð No news.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops Ð
4.1 School Program - Kelli Caruso has
set two dates for a school program with Dawn (SCCD) and the CC; Mondays - February
13th and May 15th. Arin will contact Kelli and see if the
dates are firm and what she needs us to do.
4.2 Spring Hike Ð Arin suggested a
spring hike out to Twin Bridge and Lempster Mountain
Road and back, she would like to hit the Town Forest property also. Jed
suggested a pre-plan hike before the hike to scout.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 We asked Mark Florence if he wanted
to speak with us and he stated he is running for a Select Board seat and wanted
to hear about our issues. Arin explained our responsibilities; wetland
permitting oversight, land protection, education, bringing in speakers, hikes,
etc. She explained that we are not enforcers but will comment on issues. We are
struggling with membership as most of the Town Committees are. We are working
on a Recreational Booklet with local hikes and other recreational opportunities
in it. She still needs to do some maps for the booklet and most of the writing
is done. Mark said he has lots of experience with mapping and he created the
recent interactive online Town Tax Map app.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup Ð trash
pickups will be picked up next spring.
6.2 East Washington Town
Forest Ð Arin said there will be a warrant article at Town Meeting concerning
moving forward with phase 2 of the proposal from Meridian (driveway design and
permitting). They are also discussing doubling the size of the proposed sand
shed at the DPW to accommodate the sand.
6.3 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet Ð Nan and Arin will continue
working on this.
6.3 Facebook Page Ð Arin said she is
continuing to post items when she can. To check out the CCÕs Facebook page go
here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.4 Master
Plan goals for 2023 Ð This is a placeholder.
6.5 Land
Use Change tax Ð We received a check for $3150. Arin will give the check back
to Cindy to deposit into the Conservation Fund.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
said she has had flocks of Evening Grosbeaks at her feeder. She said the birds
have been coming in waves and they arenÕt there all the time feeding. She
thinks this is because of the lack of snow cover and the availability of natural
food around.
said there are tons of turkeys around this winter. She said that the toms and
hens are moving in separate groups.
saw a big Bob Cat running along the road recently, Arin had one in her yard in
the daytime and her Ring camera captured a picture of it.
said that the Northern Long-eared Bat has finally be upgraded to the endangered
species list.
said we are having a very mild winter so far, there is open water in mill Pond
and the ground is still quite unfrozen. There are lots of seeps in the woods
and we have had several rain events because of mild temperatures. They saw an
otter playing and fishing on the edge of the ice and open water in the pond.
said he has had a flock of Starlings in East Washington at the bird feeder and
hasnÕt seen them before in winter. To learn more about Starlings, click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
8.1 Copy
of restoration plan from DES for Barkie, TM 25-116
9.0 Adjourned at 8:25 PM, the next
meeting is TBA, February at 7PM, at Town Hall.
Schwartz, Secretary