Washington Conservation Commission
– January 24, 2018
Assembly time: 7:00 PM
Members present: Arin Mills, Jed
Schwartz, Johanna Young and Nan Schwartz.
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: November minutes - There were no
comments, Jed made a motion to approve as written, Arin seconded the motion and
all voted in favor.
2.0 Permits Committee - No new permits. Arin signed a Wetlands
Permit application received in December for a new dock at 959 Ashuelot Drive.
She went out to the ownersÕ house but there was too much snow to get down to
the waterfront. We looked at satellite images of the site and decided to have
her sign the application. It is still under review at DES.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports:
3.1 Land
Protection Committee – No news, Jed emailed Whit about BarkerÕs
assessment but received an auto-reply that he is out of town. Jed spoke about
problems with the PorterÕs deed as they are selling their property. He is
negotiating with the attorney about fees.
3.2 Energy Committee – Johanna said
that EC members have not met recently.
3.3 Planning
Board – Nan said the PB is putting three updates for the Land Use
Ordinance on a special ballot for Town Meeting. One is on RVs, one on a parking
setback and one on the building permit section. The Town Center Visioning
project will be started in the spring after Town Meeting.
3.4 Forestry
Committee –Tom was not here to report. Nan spoke with Steve Hanssen and
he said there is no logging being done this winter due to the low prices on
chips. They havenÕt met recently and donÕt have Anita working on looking at any
other Town Forests right now.
3.5 Legislative update - Nan mentioned SB451 concerning wildlife
trafficking (anti), hearing held 1/16, HB1343 – concerns protection of
beavers and dams, hearing on 1/30 and HB486 – bill to introduce wetland
application for buffer impacts. She received some information on a few other
bills from NHACC that she will forward to other members.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
4.1 Winter
Hike - Arin wants to hold the snowshoe hike at the Camp Morgan loop for sometime
in February. We will have to wait for new snow, the conditions are icy and most
of the snow has melted off. We decided to schedule the hike for February 25th,
Sunday, at 10am, depending on the weather. We will begin the hike at the Faxon
Hill entry point and Nan will make hot cocoa and Arin will make some chai tea.
Arin will make a poster for the hike.
Jed mentioned looking at what the Forest Society
is doing for the Cottrell-Baldwin Lecture Series at Fox State Forest and sending
out information on the lectures. Nan will look it up.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Arin arranged a meeting with
Elementary School teachers for February 13 at 3:30pm about ideas for workshops
with the kids. We would like to plan an activity with the kids for the spring.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Natural Resource Inventory Map
updates – Arin and Nan met with Chris to go over the map updates and talk
about the co-occurrence map. Arin spoke with Chris recently and he told her he
had a computer crash that prevented him from finishing up. He is promising new
PDFs for us by our February meeting and finished maps for March. We still hope
to have the new maps for display at Town Meeting.
6.2 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet – Arin said
she couldnÕt look at the latest version that Nan posted. She suggested breaking
the booklet into sections and reposting it. Nan said it is up to 20 pages now
and she will break it into several parts and repost. Arin said she talked to
Bob Williams about the snowmobile trails and he said he would be happy to work
with us on that part. He said we might be able to use some sections of the
snowmobile trail map. Nan said that she was looking at the state trail website
and a couple of major state trails pass through Washington. We will get more
information on that. Arin asked if snowmobile trails can be used off-season for
hiking. We can ask the snowmobile club about their agreements with landowners.
said that NH Magazine had a really nice article about Washington in their
latest issue (February) he will send the link to the article online.
6.3 Master Plan goals for 2018 –
We are working on the NRI update and map update as our goal. We will look at it
again when we are done with this project. Nan has been working on the report
and has most of the edits done.
6.4 Barker easement – see 3.1
6.5 Tracking Invasive
Plants project – Arin is drafting a letter to Patrice Roulx with
suggestions for dealing with her invasive plants. The reporting sheets and
guides are always available here: InvasiveProject.html
6.6 Arin
said she sent in the CC report to Deb but didnÕt hear back that she received
it. Nan will check with Deb and let Arin know.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
said the birds have finally shown up at his bird feeder. He has chickadees,
goldfinches, lots of juncos, tit-mouses and blue jays. Nan said there were only
juncos for the longest time and they wondered what had happened to all the
birds. Arin said that there was a good article by Audubon about that issue.
said they have a bird feeder at work in Concord and they have lots of birds
feeding; cardinals, tit-mouse and cedar waxwings on the nearby fruit trees.
said that the grey squirrels finally found the sunflowers he left in the garden
and they went crazy eating the seeds. Arin said she has only red squirrels at
her house and they are very aggressive. Johanna said she has a black squirrel
and he other squirrels are afraid of it.
said he has been out on his trail and Mr. Porcupine is still living in the same
tree opening.
said see has had flocks of turkeys near her house. Arin said she reported a
flock near he house to Fish and Game, they are taking an inventory of them.
said she saw a bobcat on Rt. 12 going to Walpole. She saw fox tracks near her
house and they were hunting mice.
saw a snowshoe hare crossing the road on Faxon Hill and Shayne and Abby saw a
moose on Faxon Hill. She saw an owl swoop down near her car on Faxon Hill near
said he saw snowshoe hare tracks on his property.
said we had a recent ice storm with lots of wind afterward that brought down
lots of branches. Jed said we had a cold snap and snow before Christmas, then a
warm up and then bitter cold for an extended time. Then we had more snow, then
rain and fog a week ago. The weather has been unusual this winter so far.
found the interesting Audubon article about the lack of birds at our feeders that
Arin mentioned, to read about it and find out how you can help with the yearly
bird count click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
of wetlands permit application for Anderson
- Notice of Aquatic Resource Mitigation workshops, Concord January 18th
at 4pm
notice of complaint, Barkie TM 25-117
letter of compliance, Anderson 959 Ashuelot Drive.
River Conservancy, invitation to join/contribute
– copy of Supply Lines with the Source
9.0 Adjourned
at 8:45PM, our next scheduled
meeting will be February 21st, at 7PM at 54 Bear Hill Road.
Nan Schwartz, Secretary