Washington Conservation Commission
Minutes – February 20, 2019
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Town Hall
Members present: Arin Mills, Jed Schwartz and Nan Schwartz.
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: November and January minutes – Jed made a motion to approve both as written, Arin seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
2.0 Permits Committee - New: Copy of Wetlands Utility Maintenance Notification from DES. This is a blanket notification from Eversource for clearing in the right-of-way along utility lines in the Town of Washington. Arin is going to look into this kind of permit to learn more about it.
Previous: Highland Lake dredging – Jed reported that the unpermitted heavy dredging and filling that took place on a property on Highland Lake was looked at by DES and they asked the owner to remove the dredged materials from the property. They will be fining the owner for unpermitted dredging. We will look online for any decisions at DES OneStop.
Center Pond dredging – Jed reported that the Selectmen have put a warrant article in for $7K to do planning for a dredging project.
3.0 Committee and Board reports:
3.1 Land Protection Committee – Jed finally got a hold of Whit Beals at NEFF and who has had issues with his appraiser and he promised to follow up in a week.
3.2 Energy Committee – We discussed the EC request for funds to get a membership to Clean Energy NH. Since we can’t use our conservation funds to help them Jed will bring the issue to the BoS. Arin is working with Andrew doing some investigating on heat loss issues. They have identified areas of concern and Andrew was able to contact Eversource about doing an audit of the school building in March. Arin is coordinating with the teachers to get access for the auditor.
3.3 Planning Board – Nan reported that PB has two LUO items on a ballot for Town Meeting concerning under 50sf construction and parking. The Town Center Vision subcommittee has an assessment report and suggestion boxes to get ideas prior to a community meeting early next summer.
3.4 Forestry Committee – No meetings held.
3.5 Legislative update - Arin said there are numerous bills in committees and we will keep an eye on those that move forward.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
4.1 Washington Elementary School nature journaling project –We are scheduled for this Friday, February 22nd and we will meet at the school at 8:45am. Arin will check the trail and see if we need to use snowshoes with the older kids. We plan to probably just take the youngest kids outside and not walk all the way to the lake with them. Nan will check at home for some track cards to bring along. Arin said the school is setting a goal for more involvement with the community. Arin would still like to do a water quality project with them in the spring.
4.2 Trails Day –Jed said that John Butcher was unable to come to our meeting tonight but will try to attend in April. We will keep the Trail Day (June 1st) on our agenda and speak with him about any involvement we might have.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Cottrell-Baldwin Lecture series – Fox State Forest, Hillsboro, Tuesdays @7PM, March 19 – Dragons and Damsels, March 26 – The Original Forests of NH, April 2nd – NH Loons, April 9 – NH Geology.
5.2 Conservation Fund balance sheet – Jed got a balance sheet from the treasurer. He will get a more detailed sheet that covers last year and this year for Arin.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Natural Resource Inventory Map updates –Arin picked up the smaller 11X17 printed maps from Chris, and a CD with the PDFs. Nan will take the CD and check that we have all the finished maps to post to the website. Arin made a motion to pay Chris $2,485.00, as he has fulfilled the obligation of the contract, Nan seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Nan will send Arin the request for payment document and we will give the invoice to Lynda and Cynthia Dressell for payment.
6.2 Facebook Page – Arin said she is trying to post things at least once a week. To check out the CC’s Facebook page go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.3 Composting Signs for Transfer Station – The signs are up at the Transfer Station and Nan said she gave Ed the document about how to compost so he can laminate some to post and have a handout available.
6.4 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet – We will keep working on this through the winter. Arin said she has GIS software at work and can possibly keep making our maps.
6.5 Master Plan goals for 2019 – Nan is finishing up the NRI update.
6.6 Barker easement – see 3.1
6.7 Tracking Invasive Plants project – The reporting sheets and guides are always available here: InvasiveProject.html
7.0 What’s Happening in Nature?
Johanna sent email saying she enjoyed the super snow moon and taught her adult ESOL students in Concord a little about super moons. The birdfeeders have been active, especially in Concord where the usual suspects quickly empty the feeder during the week - chickadees, tit mice, nut hatches, sparrows, finches and the occasional male cardinal.
Arin and many others have seen a big healthy looking moose on Faxon Hill Road. Jed said he has a pair of moose up the hill on his property. He saw one in the field above his house and has seen footprints in the snow. He has seen a lot of snowshoe hare tracks in the snow.
Arin said that bobcats have been seen around town. Jed saw bobcat tracks on his property.
Jed commented on the dramatic weather lately with very cold spells with snow followed by warm ups and rain.
Arin said there has been continuous snow cover since early November.
Nan said that people who sugar have been tapping their trees but the weather is not cooperating.
To find out more about super moons click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
Copy of letter from DES, looking for more information, Shane Mulliner, TM 12/2
Cottrell-Baldwin Lecture Series Brochure
Copy of Forest Notes
9.0 Adjourned at 8:05PM, our next scheduled meeting will be March 20th, at 7PM at TH.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz, Secretary