Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – February 21, 2007


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Mark Cummings, Rich Cook


1.0    Approval of Minutes: approved as printed, motion by Rich, seconded by Mark, vote was unanimous.


2.0    Old Business: 


2.1    Dredge and Fill Committee - None.


2.2    Natural Resource Inventory - Carol showed us a new map showing the Estimated Development threat to all areas in town. Chris Kane said they could reverse the color coding if we thought that would make the map clearer but we thought it wouldn't make any difference. This map shows which parts of town most likely to be further developed by using a weighting system to assign a class to area. They also included a key to explain the factors used and their weight of importance. The intent was to estimate suitability and desirability to all areas in town and predict the areas that are most likely to attract development first based on the physical factors. We also looked over a parcel build-out analysis. We still want a map showing all available (previously subdivided but unbuilt as of now) lots in town.


2.3    Town Meeting Issues - We decided will display the latest versions of our NRI maps at town meeting and be available to talk about them to the public. We want people to comment and/or correct any information they find on the maps.

Lori Dube will speak her the ballot article, if it is allowed.

The Carbon Coalition warrant article submitted by the Young's will get our support and we will speak in favor of it if needed.

There is also an article to spend money out of the forestry fund to survey the town forests. This would help locate the absolute boundaries of the properties and help in the future logging of these parcels. We would support this.

The Class 5 summer maintenance article is in the warrant and should help the selectmen with direction from the town as to whether they want these roads plowed or kept as summer maintenance only.


3.0   What's Happening in Nature? We finally have snow but it came accompanied by extreme cold and bitter winds. The last few days have been a little warmer. Venus and the moon have been making a good show together this week. Mark saw some bobcat tracks up on the hilly area above the cornfield. It appeared that the bobcat was chasing a squirrel but it didn't appear to make a meal of it.


4.0  New Business: Mark brought information about the Liberty Elm project. There is an organization called the Elm Research Institute in Keene promoting the planting of these disease free warranteed Elm trees. He said that we could get 4 - 14 to 19 foot trees at $500.00 a piece and the ERI donates a free tree of a larger size to the town for planting on public property with a memorial plaque. He said that the Slippery Elms down at the East Washington pond are all dying of Dutch elm disease and it would be nice to replace them with some Liberty Elms. This area used to have many stately elm trees, which have all been lost to disease. We will think about doing this.

        Mark also commented on the road salt use in town, which seems excessive to him. Rich said that the road crew is following the state guidelines and they are using an on board computer to regulate the amount that goes on the road. Rich thought that the sudden cold snap had probably caused the salt to sit on the road instead of melting in making it more noticeable.


5.0   Other Business - None


6.0   Correspondence :

             Ashuelot Pond Dam Village District cc of letter to Kirsten Pulkkinen of DES from Robert Thompson, Chair APDVD for reporting completed work on the dam.  Mr. Thompson attaches three deeds which describe rights to enter onto property to make repairs to the dam.

             DES regarding Anthony Jones Complete Forestry Notification

             The Source, DES Drinking Water Source Protection Program

             DES Notice of Investigation into the status of certain waterbodies listed in the official list of public waters


7.0   Adjourned at 8:35 p.m., our next scheduled meeting is March 21st at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz
