Minutes- February 22, 2005



1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.

Present: Rich Cook, Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Tom Taylor, Lionel Ruggles Chute.


2.0 Approval of Minutes: approved as printed.


3.0 Old Business:

3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- no activity.

3.2 Sandy moved that we spend $175 to join the New Hampshire Association of Conservation

Commissions. Second by Tom. Motion carried.

3.3 Forestry Committee proposes a joint Camp Morgan Trail clean up day with the WFC, the Conservation Commission and Parks & Rec. in May. The group thought that this was a good idea and is very willing to participate.

3.4 Carol gave a brief legislative update on LCHIP and the Sunapee expansion.

3.5 WhatÕs happening in nature? Who is breeding now? Owls.

3.6 Rich mentioned that there is an Advanced Land Conservation Workshop for Natural Resource Professionals at the Conservation Center on the 1st of March. $15 covers registration, refreshments, lunch and handouts. Call Phil Auger 679-5616 or email him at Phil.Auger@unh.edu for more information.

3.7 The group discussed a possible meeting in East Washington for landowners who are interested in placing a conservation easement on their land.

3.8 Tom Taylor knows of a couple of people who may be interested to join the Conservation Commission. Tom will contact them and invite them to attend our meetings.


4.0 Natural Resource Inventory:

4.1   The Planning Board will ask for $5,000 at Town Meeting for the start of an NRI for the new Master Plan (this is required by the state).



5.0 New Business


6.0 Correspondence: NH Department of Environmental Services

                        NHACC Invoice

                        NH DOT Adopt a Highway



7.0   Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.                   


7.1 Next Meeting Date: March 22nd at 7:00 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews
