Washington Conservation Commission
– March 17, 2010
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz, Sandy
Robinson, Johanna Young and Rich Cook
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Minutes from February, Sandy made a motion to approve, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.
2.0 Old Business:
2.1 Permits Committee – We sent a comment letter on the Standard Dredge and Fill application for Otto Svitok, TM 14-365, Stowell Road, in LAE. Jed, Nan and Sandy took a look at the site and since they couldn't see much because of snow cover we wrote a letter to DES stating this and mentioning the steepness of the driveway and lot. They also went out on a minimum impact wetlands permit for Delorey, TM 14-200, at 38 Garfield Road in LAE, for a retaining wall on the shore of Ashuelot. They felt that this was a needed improvement and decided we should sign the application and send to DES, which was done.
has requested we comment further on a revised plan for the Kimball permit. The
new plan includes several rain gardens behind the house along the wetlands and
a bio-retention area off the driveway. Nan will draft a response and send to
all for comments. Carol spoke to BOA member concerning wetlands issues and they
are interested in speaking with us about related issues.
2.2 Town Meeting – We felt the
results were good but there was lots of animosity on display. Rich commented
that we now have several new town forests. Carol said that the Forestry
Committee is working on researching the forest lots. We will hold off merging
the conservation lot with the New Town Forest until all the information is
gathered and a plan is in place to protect the forest lots.
2.3 Energy Committee – Johanna reported that the Energy Committee was successful in getting an EECBG grant to put Photo Voltaic panels on the Town Garage for 90K. They hope the work will be done by October and they want to have an open house. She said that "350.org" is also having another event in October and she hopes to combine the two. We commend them for their efforts and congratulate them for their success.
2.4 Land
Protection Committee – The appraisals are due soon.
2.5 Planning
Board – The PB has a new member, Jim Crandall. Nan mentioned she got a
call from Ed Thayer about working on revising the road standards in the
Subdivision Regs. She is going to bring this up at the next PB meeting and set
up some working sessions with Ed.
2.6 Old
Home Day – We discussed what we might want to do for Old Home Day and
Johanna talked about the EC doing a demonstration about sun power and tie it in
with the garage project. Sandy will let Jane Thayer know that we want booth
space for both EC + WCC. CC will do a display and have their fund raising
materials available. Sandy said she heard of a New Hampshire company that is
working on alternative energy fuel storage and it might be interesting to have
something about that, she will further research. Carol would like to get a
large tri-fold display board and we can look into a small grant to help pay for
2.7 Appointments
– Nan mentioned that Sandy Poole (town clerk) was having everyone sign
appointment papers to clean up some paperwork. Carol mentioned that Don wishes
to stay on, Tom T. will move to alternate and Arin will become a full member.
2.8 Election of Officers – Jed made a motion for Carol as Chair, Rich seconded, all voted in favor. Nan made a motion for Sandy as Vice Chair, Carol seconded, all voted in favor. Sandy made a motion for Nan as secretary, Carol seconded, all voted in favor. Rich asked about the need for a treasurer, Carol feels we don't need one at his point, Linda is handling our accounts for us and doing an excellent job.
2.9 We discussed an email we received from Michael Racine regarding the posting of May Pond and Ashuelot Pond about the high levels of mercury in fish taken from both those bodies of water. Nan had spoken to Michelle about Ashuelot and she told her that LAE had posted information on their bulletin board near the beach. There is nothing posted at May Pond. Carol said she is talking to people at the state level, (at DES and Fish and Game) and she is working on finding out who is responsible for putting up signs. Carol will contact the other town's Conservation Commissions (where these high levels of mercury are found also) to see if they want to post signs, when we get to that point.
2.10 Adopt
a Highway – We set dates for our trash pick up days for the 2010 season.
We settled on April 17th (Saturday), June 13th (Sunday),
August 14th (Saturday), and October 3rd (Sunday). Nan
will send out reminders during the season and add to the events calendar.
3.0 What's Happening in Nature?
reported she saw a Bluebird today but she also saw one about 6 weeks ago. This
is very early and must be due to the unseasonably warm weather. Rich mentioned
he saw a Robin.
saw her beaver out swimming in her pond.
saw an otter near the Pooles, sitting on a stone near their pond.
reported that Ed said the sap is not running very well and he is afraid the
syrup season is about over. Rich said his trees are not running well, either.
Carol mentioned that Lionel has a sugar house and she had visited them and he
made her some carbonated maple sap soda to drink. She said it was really
delicious and he is boiling sap now, too.
Jed and Nan brought in a tree branch with Usnea growing on it. It is a lichen, also called "Old Man's Beard" and looks a bit like the Spanish Moss that you see hanging in the trees in the south. Carol said you can identify Usnea by pulling a string of it apart and it has a white cord in the middle. It is used as a medicinal plant and traditionally is boiled, made into a tincture and used for infections. They found the Usnea growing on trees near the Bradford Bog. Carol said that there is Lungwort growing near there also, which is another medicinal plant. For more information about Usnea (and a picture) go here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html
4.0 New Business: Don't forget the "Saving Special Places" Conference, April 10, at John Stark High School Weare, NH
5.0 Correspondence:
from Michael Racine requesting that the conservation commission work on posting
May Pond and Ashuelot Pond for high mercury levels in fish
UNH Cooperative Extension Municipal Turf and Grounds Conference March 24th 8 - 3 Manchester $40
Email notice of 21st Annual Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference May 17th in Plymouth, MA
Special Places conference brochure April 10th (email notice has been sent to
all conservation commission members)
receipt of Shoreland Impact permit #2010-00218 Frank Brown, Ashuelot Pond
Shoreland Impact permit approved #2010-00218 Frank Brown, Ashuelot Pond
Shoreland Impact permit #2010-00188 Levesque, Forest, Highland Lake
receipt of Standard Dredge and Fill application administratively incomplete
#2009-01876, Otto Svitok, must submit a copy to the Ashuelot River LAC
receipt of Standard Dredge and Fill application administratively complete
#2009-01876, Otto Svitok
receipt of Washington Conservation Commission report #2009-01876, Otto Svitok
notice of administratively incomplete application #2010-00387, Nancy Delorey,
no conservation commission signature (WCC has since signed the application),
Natural Heritage review is missing, application copy to be sent to Ashuelot
River LAC.
request for more information Adam & Pamela Kimball #2010-00003, comments
from Fish & Game regarding the common loon, wetland scientist to determine
stream resource.
and Pamela Kimball email with additional information about stormwater plan for
& King Inc. water resource protection grants available
Notice of Shoreland Application #2010-00378 requires variance or waiver, DES
has 75 days to review
Program of Action to Conserve our Environment newsletter.
6.0 Adjourned at 8:10 PM, our next scheduled meeting is April 21st at 7 PM in the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz