Washington Conservation Commission
Minutes March 19, 2008
Assembly time:
Present: Carol Andrews, Tom Taylor, Johanna Young, Lindley Rankine.
Visitor: Arin Mills
1.0 Approval of Minutes: February minutes, Tom motioned to accept with corrections to the spelling of Don Richard's name and change shoreline to shoreland, Johanna seconded, vote was unanimous to accept.
2.0 Old Business:
2.1 Dredge and Fill Committee None
2.2 Energy Committee Johanna reported that the Energy Committee bought about 15 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) which have been donated to the food pantry. She also wanted us to know that True Value stores will accept CFLs for recycling. The Energy Committee met with the Selectmen and representatives from the Smart Start program. The Selectmen will talk with Ed Thayer before signing the agreement to move to more efficient electrical use in town buildings. Johanna also mentioned that they had considered a public presentation by a consultant organization called "Seeds" but the presentation costs $150, then their services for a heating and insulation audit would be $600. Johanna mentioned that they are thinking of doing a film night at
2.3 Planning Board update most of the ballot initiatives passed at town meeting. We now have a new stormwater ordinance, we've voted to join the federal flood insurance program, we've updated the language to require a 4 acre minimum, and we've updated language in the land use ordinance to require new major subdivisions to use a cluster approach. The ballot question which would have increased the frontage requirements did not pass.
2.4 Town Meeting Our display at town meeting was quite popular; many people looked at the maps, gathered information about flood zones, the new Shoreland Protection Act changes and our new conservation plan. Several people conjectured about the location of Tipping Rock. The East Washington Watershed Grant passed at town meeting.
2.5 Arin Mills agreed to have her name submitted to the Selectmen for appointment as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission. Johanna moved that we send a letter to the Selectmen. Second by Tom. Vote was unanimous. Arin has a B.S. in Environmental Science and is currently employed as a Conservation Specialist with the Army National Guard. She is well versed in GIS mapping. We are pleased to submit her name as a new member. Carol to send a letter to the Selectmen. Arin is also interested to attend a meeting of the Ashuelot River Local Advisory Committee. Carol to put Arin in touch with chairman Barbara Skuly.
2.6 NRI maps: the committee commented that the big maps used for town meeting did not reflect the latest changes. Tom has added 10 new locations to the cultural map and will check with a couple more people to make sure we have included all important historical sites. He will also verify historical and cultural points. Co-occurrence map should communicate why we chose the conservation priority areas. We suggest increasing the values of the colors used in the map since all seemed to like the map when the colors were darker. We also need to make sure that the whole
2.7 What's Happening in Nature? There are snow fleas everywhere! Many animals such as deer, skunks and raccoons are starting to move. Carol mentioned that bird watchers are seeing Pine Grosbeaks feeding on the ground under their feeders. These are not normally seen in NH; they are normally further north but have come down to find food. Johanna reports seeing Cedar Waxwings in
5.0 Other Business Carol has been enjoying the Forest Society's Cottrel Baldwin Lecture series at
6.0 Correspondence:
Saving Special Places conference brochure Saturday April 5th
DES Request for more information from Bosetti, Bow Run Terrace Map 20 Lot 161
DES Letter of Deficiency Ursini Map 24,
DES Letter stating they are investigating Mulliner property
UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H camp sponsorship information
7.0 Adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Andrews
Acting Secretary