Washington Conservation Commission
– March 21, 2012
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Present: Jed Schwartz, Sandy
Robinson, Nan Schwartz, Johanna Young
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Minutes from February meeting, Sandy made
a motion to approve, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.
2.0 Old
2.1 Permits
Committee – No new permits to consider.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports:
3.1 Land Protection Committee – We are looking into
ARM funds that have become available to help fund land conservation projects.
3.2 Energy Committee – Johanna
reports that the Energy Committee hoped to hold a “Button Up” presentation but funding
is ending in April so they are trying for a fall date. She reported that three
EC members are attending the Energy Conference on March 30th, in
Penacook. They have an extra place for someone to attend if anyone is
interested. They talked about the wood boiler for the town garage at their
3.3 Planning Board – Nan reported
the 2 items on a special ballot at town meeting both passed.
3.4 Forestry Committee – Jed
mentioned the warrant article at town meeting concerning the Town Forest additions
also passed.
4.0 Reappointment
of members:
Nan said that several
members need reappointment this year. Sandy made a motion to send a letter to
the Selectmen for Arin Mills, Carol Andrews and Tom
Taylor to be reappointed for 3 year terms. All voted in favor. After discussion Sandy made a motion to
move Carol to an Alternate position and move Don Richard into the full member
position, Johanna seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
We decided to wait until
next month to hold our election of officers, when there are more members
5.0 Public Presentation possibilities:
5.1 Arin wasn’t able to attend the
meeting but Nan showed the Watershed on Wheels power point presentation to the
group. WoW is scheduled to visit the Elementary
School on May 21st. More information on WoW
here: http://www.fws.gov/r5soc/educational_resources/watershed-on-wheels.html.
We will ask Arin how many chaperones and helpers will
be needed at the visit. We will discuss whether we want to make a supplemental
presentation to the kids at next month’s meeting.
5.2 Nan spoke about the possibility of
getting someone from UNH’s Speaking for Wildlife group or a Fish and Wildlife
Steward to come do a presentation. We will continue the discussion next month.
6.0 ARLAC request for funds for Ashuelot River water testing – We received a request
fro Barbara Skully for a $100 donation for water
testing for the 2012 season. We have given in the past years to help fund this
important water testing. Sandy made a motion to send $100 for water testing, Johanna seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Nan will contact Barbara and ask her to send us an invoice for that amount that
we can give it to Lynda for payment.
7.0 New Business: Nan spoke about an article
she read about National Wildlife Federation’s Schoolyard Habitats program. This
could be something we might consider doing with the Washington Elementary
School. More information about the program can be found here: http://www.nwf.org/Get-Outside/Outdoor-Activities/Garden-for-Wildlife/Schoolyard-Habitats.aspx
The school would be perfect for this
sort of project, which involves creating a wildlife habitat where students can
learn about wildlife species and ecosystems in an outdoor classroom. We will
discuss again next month.
8.0 Other business – Nan mentioned the “Saving
Special Places” conference on Saturday, April 14th, at John Stark
High School, Weare, 8AM-3:45PM,
sign up by April 6 for $60, register online at www.savingspecialplaces.org Sandy said we can offer to pay if someone
wants to attend.
We will need to schedule our trash
pickup days, next month, for April, June, August and October. We received the
forms from DOT for this year.
We received two emails that might be
of interest to members:
Forest Society is offering training for becoming a Land Steward. Land Stewards
help to monitor and maintain forest reservations for the Forest Society. The
training covers forest management, trail maintenance, boundary monitoring, map
& compass navigation, community engagement and
recreation management. They are also looking for someone to monitor the Rassmussen Forest, which is 533 acres in Washington and
Marlow after receiving the training. The training is two days, May 11 and 12,
from 8 to 4 in Greenfield. Nan will send the email to all members to see if
they are interested.
2. The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee
Regional Planning Commission will be hosting the first of three meetings of
organizations and citizens interested in a possible long-distance hiking “Quabbin-to-Cardigan” trail in western New Hampshire from
the Massachusetts/New Hampshire border to Mt. Cardigan and beyond to the White
Mountains. The meeting is a key part of a trail study being managed by the
Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests and the Appalachian Mountain
Club, with assistance from the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails &
Conservation Assistance program. The goal of the study is to take a first
look at the feasibility of, and local interest in, a long-distance trail in the
region. The study is NOT aimed at creating any new federal or state
designation of trails in the area. The first meeting is this Thursday, March 29th,
from 6-8PM in Canaan. Nan will send the email to all members to see if they are
9.0 What’s Happening in Nature?
seems to have arrived in Washington extremely early this year! What little snow
we had has melted and the ice is off the ponds. Sandy, Jed and Nan heard wood
frogs croaking when they arrived at the Town Hall tonight, they are in the pond
next to the TH.
mentioned seeing wild turkeys, a woodcock, a woodchuck, a
fox, a porcupine and blue birds recently. It is very early to be seeing all
these creatures. Nan saw a Robin in her yard late in February.
has active pollywogs, frogs and lots of bugs (waterstriders,
waterboatmen and caddisflies)
in his little frog pond. He also saw about 100 Canada geese in the Mill Pond a
few days ago. Tom Marshall had seen them in the cornfield earlier that day.
They took off in the morning and flew away.
said she has kept a monthly blog since 2006 and she is going to go back and
check for how early everything is this year in comparison to all the other
years. Her brother has kept a log of nighttime temperatures for 30 years. It is
evident that our climate is changing.
said that pussywillows are out and trees and bushes
are budding out. Sandy said Linda Marshall’s snowdrops have already gone by and
her crocuses are almost done.
discussed climate change and Sandy said she read a great article about global
warming by William D. Nordhaus, the link is here: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2012/mar/22/why-global-warming-skeptics-are-wrong/?pagination=false
seem to be seeing extremes of weather all over the country. Our recent 80-degree
days have hurried everything along.
mentioned the short maple sugaring season.
said her beavers cut a lot more trees this year and they seemed to be more
active this winter. They weren’t impeded by the usual snow and cold. She said
that lilacs are fully budded in Concord.
found 2 ticks on himself in that last few days. With the mild winter, ticks
haven’t died off and are still active. For more information about ticks and the
dangers they carry click here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html
10. Correspondence:
Letter from NH DOT District 4, Adopt-a-Highway
forms for 1012 season
Copy of Forest Notes
LGC brochure for Local Officials workshops
Brochure for 2012 Cottrell-Baldwin Environmental
Lecture Series at Fox State Forest
Brochure for UNH Municipal Turf and Grounds
Letter from ARLAC, Barbara Skully
requesting $100 for Ashuelot River water testing
Letter from DES invitation to Annual Drinking
Water Source protection Workshop, May 2nd
Package from NH Assoc.
of Natural Resource Scientists notifying us that we were approved for
membership and a copy of their newsletter.
11.0 Adjourned at 7:45 PM, our next
scheduled meeting is April 18th at 7 PM in the Town Hall.