Minutes- March 23, 2004
1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.
Present: Carol Andrews, Peter France, Jed and Nan Schwartz,
Lionel and Aileen Ruggles-Chute.
2.0 Approval of Minutes: approved as printed.
3.0 Old Business:
3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- no activity
3.2 The group decided that it would be a good idea to
research ways to control growth in Washington. Any changes must be done
through the Planning Board. Carol referenced an email reply from Matt
Taylor (Town Planner in Hillsborough). Suggested reading: "Growing
GreenerÓ by Randall Arendt.
3.3 Regional Environmental Protection Priorities: ItÕs
time to update the REPP data. Things to include: the Ashuelot River
& Woodward Brook.
3.4 Tom Taylor volunteered to lead a hike along the Ashuelot
River. Lionel volunteered to lead a wildflower/tree identification
walk. The group agreed that it should be a priority to do educational
& fun programs.
3.5 Lionel moved that we expend $100 from the Conservation
Fund to pay for the ÒDollars and Sense of Open SpaceÓ presentation in
February. Second by Nan. Motion carried.
3.6 Land Use Change Tax monies will be deposited in the
Conservation Fund. Thanks to Mike for making a great presentation, and to
those who spoke in favor of the article! The article passed by a wide
margin 65 to 24. We should set some goals and priorities for
expenditures. Lionel brought up a project that has been in the works for
several years. Lionel has been in contact with the owner of a 10-acre lot
abutting the Twin Bridges Lot. There is a remarkable stand of yellow
birches over 200 years old on the Town Forest and this abutting lot.
3.7 The group discussed whether we should take a position on
the Sunapee lease boundary expansion and other changes happening in surrounding
towns. No decision on this subject.
3.8 WhatÕs happening in nature? What to do with all
this snow? Build an igloo.
Carol will provide information for posting on the website.
Please see our ÒWhatÕs New in NatureÓ section.
4.0 Natural Resource Inventory: no activity.
5.0 New Business: none
6.0 Correspondence: CLCA bill, NH Association of Con Coms
bill, NH Lakes Association (Lake Host Application), UVLSRPC, Fox Forest
Adjournment: 8:20
7.1 Next Meeting Date: April 27th at 7:00 at the Town
Respectfully submitted,
Carol K. Andrews