Minutes- April 4, 2002



1.0   Assembly:  Time  7:00 p.m.


1.1  Present:  Michael Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Marv Jager, John Tweedy, Peter France, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Don Richard, Rich Cook, Lionel Chute, Aileen Ruggles.


2.0  New Business:

2.1   Mike Andrews welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Washington Conservation Commission.

2.2   Lionel Chute and Aileen Ruggles made the first contribution to the Conservation Fund.  Presently we have $151.00.

2.3   Election of Officers:  Mike Andrews asked if there were any nominations from the floor.  Hearing none, he suggested a slate of officers as follows:

Michael Andrews- Chairman

Sandy Robinson- Vice-Chair

Carol Andrews- Secretary

Lionel Chute moved that we accept the slate of officers.  John Tweedy second.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

2.4   Mike suggested that we set up a committee to handle wetland permits.  This is the way many other towns handle their wetland issues and allows the permits to move on to the state faster.  The committee should have a minimum of 3 regular members from the commission, one being the Commission chairman.  Lionel Chute asked whether the Commission will comment on the Minimum Impact for Forestry permits.  Mike answered that no, the forestry paperwork is just a notification procedure, and the Commission will not be commenting.

Sandy Robinson moved that we establish the Dredge and fill Committee consisting of Mike Andrews, Rich Cook, John Tweedy and Marv Jager.  Chairman to sign the appropriate permits.  Second by Lionel Chute.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

2.5   A discussion was initiated by asking the question Òwhat do we want to do as a Commission?Ó  John Tweedy Ð we should research some of the townÕs historical sites.  Perhaps we could set up an archaeological dig on one of them (joint project with the Historical Society).  Include the school kids.  Promotion of solar and other renewable energy.

Carol Andrews- trails and recreation (sponsor hikes), study of plants and animals, educational programs (for the Commission and for the townspeople), perhaps we could have some presentations at our meetings (conservation easements, invasive species).

Lionel Chute- outreach that is non-polarizing, presentation on the Town Forests, owl hunt, amphibian program, vernal pools, planting bulbs with the school kids, partner with the Historical Society for Land and Community Heritage Investment Program grants to protect some of the historical sites in town, Dollars and Sense of Open Space program (the population in Washington has doubled since 1960), Ashuelot River is an incredible resource in the town, we donÕt have a lot of data on rare and endangered species in the town, we should know where our prime agricultural soils are, not just according to the maps, we should look for pockets of old growth forests, we are in a special area of spruce-fir forest (the only other place this occurs in NH is in the White Mountains), we should look for areas with enriched soils Ð plants such as Sweet Cicely, Ginseng, Basswood, Sugar Maple and White Ash are indicators of high calcium soils, we should inventory wetlands, wildlife habitats and cliff communities, what were the native fish of Washington, would like to know more about bird species (do we have crossbills here- they are indicative of spruce-fir forests)

Mike Andrews- land protection and easement education will be important, Adopt-a-Highway.    

Jed Schwartz- concerned about water quality in the town, learning about glacial effects and deposits.

Peter France- we should find out where the old springs are in town.  We have good, natural drinking water in town, a great resource (theme in the Natural Resources Inventory?)  We should speak to some of the elderly people in town to find out where the old springs are located.

Don Richard stated that according to the watershed maps of Washington we are largely responsible for our own water quality.  We do not have much for aquifer resources in the town.  One of our only aquifers is on the town line with Windsor Ð right where the junkyard is.

2.6   Natural Resources Inventory:  We have many maps that tell us where resources are in town.  Now we need to work on some narratives that explain the maps.  Don Richard will bring in a binder to start the NRI.  He will start the Table of Contents.  The NRI should be a document unique to Washington.  It will always be a work in progress.

2.7   There will be a Forestry Committee Workday to work on the trail on Camp Morgan Town Forest Saturday April 6th at 10 a.m.  Meet at the radio tower on Faxon Hill Road.  Bring loppers, hand pruners, and pole pruners.

2.8   Mike will schedule a time for DES to come and give us a class on wetlands.  June will be the preferred time.  Other Conservation Commissions in the area will be invited.

2.9   The agenda for Conservation Commission meetings can be set by all of us.  Please send in any ideas to Mike.

2.10          Meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall.

2.11         Seasonal Dock Permit:  the maximum length for a seasonal dock in Washington is 30ft.  We have one dock permit that needs to be signed by the commission.  By signing the permit the Conservation Commission is stating that the permit has been reviewed and that the Con Comm waives its right to intervene.  Lionel Chute moved that we give the Chairman authority to sign the dock permit.  Second by Sandy Robinson.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  Note:  the Dredge and Fill Committee will handle permits in the future.

2.12         Lionel suggested that we all think about topics that we would like more information about.  This way we can schedule 10-15 minute presentations at meetings to educate ourselves about various subjects.

2.13          Jed Schwartz will look into a website for the Commission.

2.14           Mike will start work on  bylaws for the Commission.


3.0  Correspondence:  Department of Revenue Administration- Timber Tax Laws Workshop

                                Center for Land Conservation Assistance Conference April 13th


4.0  Adjournment:  8:56 p.m.                   


4.1 Next Meeting Date:  May 2nd at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall



Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews



cc:  Board of Selectmen

       Planning Board