Washington Conservation Commission
– April 12, 2023
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, meeting at Town Hall.
Members present: Arin
Mills and Nan Schwartz
Visitors: None
of Minutes: March minutes, Arin made a motion to approve as written, Nan
seconded the motion and both voted in favor.
Permits Committee –
New: Arboreal Oasis LLC, 1025 Ashuelot Drive, TM 10-12, after the fact Shoreland Permit, approved Arin said that Barbara Skuly sent her a note about the Arboreal Oasis LLC permit
that was approved. She said they have to remove all the gravel they installed
in the 50-foot waterfront zone.
Cordeiro, TM
12-201, Expedited Minimum Wetlands Permit, for driveway, approved
TM 24-58, 46 Lookout Point Road, installation of dock without a permit.
- Complaint of violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone, no
follow up yet
* these are complaints
with no follow up by DES, Arin to make an information request.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports -
3.1 Land Protection Committee – We discussed the result of the
Town Meeting vote and we are fine with it. There was still a lot of
misinformation about conservation easements being thrown around at Town Meeting
but the town’s people have spoken. Arin suggested that Jed contact the man that
they both spoke with at TM about a conservation easement on a property that he
is looking to purchase. There are adjoining conservation property owners he
could approach.
3.2 Energy Committee – They aren’t meeting but the Town has
contracted with Shakes to Shingles to upgrade the envelope on the Camp Morgan
3.3 Planning Board – Nan said all of the proposed ballot items
passed at Town Meeting. They are going to keep working on the driveway issue
this year.
3.4 Forestry Committee – As far as we know they haven’t met.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops –
4.1 Spring Hike – Arin wanted to set
the date for the spring hike out to Twin Bridge and Lempster
Mountain Road. We decided to plan it for May 6th at 10 am. Arin will
make a poster for the hike.
4.2 Cottrell-Baldwin Lectures at Fox State Forest
– information here: https://forestsociety.org/area/education-and-events/cottrell-baldwin
There is one remaining lecture for this year.
5.0 New Business: None
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup – We
will set a date at our next meeting for late May or early June. We may pick and
afternoon instead of a weekend day.
6.2 Nan said that she will order the kitchen
compost pails this week. We discussed it and decided to order 2 cases (30
pieces) and we will sell them at cost ($11). If they need to be picked up Jed
and Nan will do it. Arin can also pick them up if needed. Nan will update her
poster and print a few out for the transfer station and other locations.
6.3 Robinson Dam - Arin said she sent
Miles Gillette the information on grants that she found.
6.4 East Washington Town
Forest – The funding for the design and permitting phase for the roadway passed
at Town Meeting. We discussed taking another walk on the property maybe this
6.5 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet – Nan and Arin will continue
working on this.
6.6 Facebook Page – Arin said she is
continuing to post items when she can. To check out the CC’s Facebook page go
here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.7 Master
Plan goals for 2023 – This is a placeholder.
6.8 Nan
asked Arin about the date when we are going to help at the School. The date is
May 15th and she will check with Kelly on what they need from us.
7.0 What’s Happening in Nature?
said that a bear went after her suet feeder.
said that the loons are back on Millen Pond. Arin said there is still ice on Ashuelot Pond but the river end is wide open.
said that Mill Pond has been free of ice for several weeks and there are hooded
mergansers, mallards and Canada geese in the pond.
mentioned it was vey warm today (70 degrees) and more warm weather is on the
way for the weekend. and the willows are starting to green up. She said the maple
syrup season abruptly ended about 2 weeks ago. The snow banks are receding
said her garlic is up in the garden and the crocuses are up.
mentioned she had a large flock of birds at the feeder that included red-winged
blackbirds, grackles and starlings all together. She said she hasn’t heard any
spring peepers yet but will check in the wetland at the bottom of the hill on
Rt. 31, on the way home. She was surprised to hear the peepers were singing! A
true sign of spring. To learn more about spring peepers, click here: NewinNature.html
Correspondence: None
9.0 Adjourned at 8:05 PM, the next
meeting is May 10th at 7PM, at Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz, Secretary