Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – April 14, 2021


Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Meeting conducted online using ZOOM.


Members present: Arin Mills, Johanna Young, Jed Schwartz and Nan Schwartz.

Visitors: None


1.0    Approval of Minutes: the February minutes were approved as written.


2.0   Permits Committee  -

New: Ziegler – Shoreland permit, TM 10-20, Ashuelot Drive, approved


Barkie -– Standard Dredge and Fill, TM 14-39, Ashuelot Drive, under technical review

BarkieShoreland permit, TM14-39, Ashuelot Drive, approved

Johnson/Kimball – Notice of complaint, dredging in Highland Lake, TM 25-93

Bologna – Notice of complaint, dredging in Highland Lake, TM 24-91

Barkie/Colette - Complaint of violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone

Mensch – follow up letter on notice of violation from DES, 38 Lookout Point Road, TM 24-59, expanding a deck without a permit.

Cordeiro – Notice of complaint from DES concerning excavation violations (no permit or erosion control), no follow up notice.

Mill Pond dredging – No news.

Longval – no news.


3.0   Committee and Board reports:

3.1   Land Protection Committee - We took a site walk on the future Town Forest property last week and looked at the potential site for excavation for gravel. Arin and Jed want to meet with the Selectmen and Ed Thayer to discuss the plans before Town Meeting. Arin will call Deb to arrange a time, possibly April 29th during the day.

3.2   Energy Committee – No news, haven’t met. Johanna said she has joined two Energy groups; Climate Reality and Climate Citizen’s Lobby. They do training and send out newsletters.

3.3   Planning Board – Nan said that all the ballot questions passed in March. The Selectmen are now trying to figure out how to implement the septic test pit and perc test section. Nan asked Arin if she had any issues she would like the PB to address in the coming year. Arin said she is concerned with preserving historic areas and rural character. Jed said he thinks Washington is receiving a lot of new pressure in development and will be feeling growing pains in the next few years.

3.4   Forestry Committee – Jed spoke with Town forester Anita Blakman about the possible cut. Anita said that an adjacent property was recently logged creating much the same conditions she was hoping to produce on the Town Forest property. She said waiting a few years would be fine and hopefully the timber and chip prices will rise in the meantime. Arin is concerned about the money the town spent to upgrade the road for a harvest and now it is a major route for ATVs. Jed spoke with Steve Hanssen about the Johnson property becoming a Town Forest and the possible gravel extraction on the property. Steve was OK with that possibility.

3.5   Legislative update  - No news.


4.0   Public Presentations and workshops: None


5.0   New Business:

5.1   Trash Pickup – We planned our first Adopt-a-highway trash pick up for Monday, April 19th at 3:30PM. We will meet at the Library parking area and reschedule if the weather doesn’t cooperate.


6.0   Other Business:

6.1   Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet –Nan shared a first draft in booklet format. She will send Johanna a copy. We will continue working on it with a goal to publish this summer.

6.2   Facebook Page – Arin said she is continuing to post items when she can. To check out the CC’s Facebook page go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/  

6.3   Master Plan goals for 2020 – This is a placeholder.

6.4   Tracking Invasive Plants project – The reporting sheets and guides are always available here: InvasiveProject.html

6.5   The ATV/UTV road usage map (version 5) is finished and approved by the BoS. The BoS has budgeted for printing the map and it will go to the printer after Town Meeting.


7.0   What’s Happening in Nature?

Jed, Arin and Nan went on a hike on an East Washington property and heard a strange crying sound. Looking over a mound of trees Arin saw a bear cub. They ran away as fast as they could in case Mama bear came back for her cub. We also heard wood frogs on our hike (April 13th). Arin said that wood frogs calling usually coincide with the end of Maple season. Jed said that the recent warm spell put a quick end to the Maple season. He said the season was a really short one for the sugar makers.

Johanna has been seeing a Pileated Woodpecker around her yard. She has Canada geese nesting in the same spot that they nested in last year (on top of the old beaver den). There are also Mergansers in her wetland pond. She said ice out happened on her pond a few weeks ago and the Peepers have started singing. She has Red-wing Blackbirds in the yard and a Robin nesting in the bushes. She said a beaver came through but kept moving along.

Nan said there are lots of birds around and lots of bird songs filling the air. She said Reid and Cody saw a moose coming through town and went up their road. They also saw a flock of 6 Great Blue Herons flying in a V formation. We all thought this was odd and wondered where they migrate to in winter and where they nest.

Arin said that on March 27th the snow pack was nearly gone and on March 30th loons were heard on Ashuelot Pond. She said ice out on Ashuelot was April 6th. She also heard the peepers in the wetlands on Rte 31on April 6th.

Nan said she would find out more about the Great Blue Heron, to get the information click here: NewinNature.html


8.0   Correspondence:  

            Notice of a timber cut in Max Israel Forest later this year       


9.0   Adjourned at 8:20PM, the next meeting is Tuesday, May 25thth at 7PM, location to be announced.


Respectfully submitted,           

Nan Schwartz, Secretary