Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – April 16, 2008


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Nan Schwartz, Richard Cook, Arin Mills, Johanna Young, Lionel Chute

            Visitor: Alan Treadwell


1.0    Approval of Minutes: March minutes, Johanna motioned to accept as written, Nan seconded, vote was unanimous to accept.


2.0   Old Business:

2.1   Dredge and Fill Committee – There is a Standard Dredge and Fill application from DES for the Art Scarneo property on Highland Lake, Tax Map 25 Lot 85.  They are asking to dredge 21.5 cubic yards of material in order to access the parcel by boat. Rich and Sandy will go on Sunday to take a look at the project so we can comment if needed.

2.2   Energy Committee – Johanna mentioned that the Energy Committee was sponsoring a movie night at Camp Morgan on Friday, May 9th at 7PM. They will be serving popcorn and ask that people bring a dessert to share. They are showing – "Who Killed the Electric Car" Their April meeting minutes are posted here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/ECMinutes040908.htm

2.3   NRI Maps – We reviewed the newest versions of the NRI maps and offered some general changes and comments. Arin commented that it is important to keep the colors consistent from map to map. Winding Road is in the wrong spot and should be Winding Way. Nan will post the newest versions of the maps tomorrow and leave the old versions up so people can compare. We are looking for comments on color scheme, contrast, and general content. Send Carol your comments soon so she can give them to Chris Kane. You can view the new maps here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NRICP.html


3.0    New Business:

3.1   Alan Treadwell spoke to us about an issue with Twin Bridges Road and the possible impact on the town forest in that location. He asked the selectmen to make a determination of the road's status in 1995 and there is not a clear answer so far. He bought his property in 1979, and improved the road to his driveway when he built his house in the 90s. The road is not a deeded right-of-way, could be a private road. The lane was created in 1840 as a way to get to Lempster Mountain Road. There is a 10 acre piece of property that just sold that abuts the town forest. Lionel spoke about the history of this parcel. The town was almost given the parcel to add to the town forest but the owner never quite got around to doing it when she died. Sometime later the town had taken it for taxes but the heirs bought it back and then put it up for sale. It has now sold and Alan is again looking for a determination of the road's status. We will ask the Forestry Committee to meet and comment on the impact to the town forest. Lionel also mentioned that this lot is the one that they asked to use forestry funds to get surveyed to pinpoint the boundries. The Conservation Commission will ask the town to not issue any building permit until there is a legal opinion on the road issue.

3.2   Rich talked about parcels taken by the town for taxes in Lake Ashuelot Estates. The selectmen wanted input on whether they should dispose of these lots in a sale or hang on to them. The Conservation Commission feels it is wise to hold on to them for now so that the town boards can get together and look at the big picture and consider the issue carefully. Sandy made a motion to write a letter to the selectmen encouraging them not to sell these lots, Nan seconded, all in favor. Sandy will draft a letter and send it around for comments.

3.3   Election of Officers -  Rich made a motion that the officers stay on in their posts for another year. Sandy seconded, all voted in favor. Carol mentioned that we need to reappoint some of our members along with Arin's appointment, she will write a letter to the selectmen to make the appointments.


4.0   What's Happening in Nature? Johanna saw some salamanders in her pond and Carol identified them as Red Efts, not in their red stage but in their later greenish brown stage when they return to the water to live and propagate. Johanna also saw minnows and water bugs. Carol moved a spotted salamander out of the road in Hillsboro. She said we should all watch out for them this time of year, especially on rainy nights. They are large, black salamanders with 2 rows of bright yellow spots on their backs. They are on the move to their vernal ponds because it is time to breed. Check our website for more information about the spotted salamander: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html

        Peepers should also be out soon if the weather stays warm. Carol had a mink visit her chicken house and it killed some of her chickens. The mink only got away with some heads because it couldn't squeeze the whole chicken out of the fence.


5.0  Other Business – None


6.0  Correspondence:

Local Government Center Local Officials Workshops flyers:  full-day workshops on subjects such as the Right to Know Law and Conflicts of Interest.  Workshop locations include Sugar Hill, Ossipee, Kingston and Concord.  Register online at www.nhlgc.org

UNH Professional development and training:  Tools and Techniques for Managing Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Growth $165. May 29th, 9 - 4. 

Toplogix GIS Associates, Newmarket advertisement for NRI services. 

Sullivan County Conservation District Conservation Security Program information.  Agricultural producers in the Ashuelot Watershed are eligible for this program.  The is a voluntary cost share program which supports ongoing stewardship of private agricultural lands by providing payments for maintaining and enhancing natural resources. 

Wetland Standard Dredge and Fill Permit Application Highland Lake Scarneo, Map 25 Lot 85 350 feet of impact to jurisdictional areas.  The applicant wants to dredge 21.5 cubic yards of material in order to access the parcel by boat. 


7.0   Adjourned at 9:00 PM, our next scheduled meeting is May 21st at 7 PM at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
