Washington Conservation Commission


Minutes - April 18, 2007

Assembly time: 7:00 PM.

Present: Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Mark Cummings

Visitor: Ken Eastman, Charley Eastman

1.0    Approval of Minutes: motion by Sandy, Jed seconded, unanimous vote to approve March minutes

         Approval of February minutes, Jed motioned to approve, Sandy seconded, unanimous vote.

2.0    Old Business: 

Dredge and Fill Committee – We held a special meeting on April 3rd about a NRCS designed and funded project (Project #17)on Valley Road at Barden Pond Road. In attendance were Tom Taylor, Mark Cummings, Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Rich Cook, and Nan Schwartz. The town had previously replaced a culvert that was washed out by the May 2006 flood. The state now wants to reconstruct the streambed and stabilize the bank where it has carved out badly at the curve in the stream. This is a state managed project, using NRCS funds and the town pays 10% of the cost. We looked at the plans and discussed the project. Sandy made a motion that we write a letter in support of the project, Mark seconded, and all voted in favor. Carol and Nan will confer on the wording of the letter to be sent to the selectmen, DES, Deborah Weymouth at NRCS and so they can have it in hand when they do their site walk on Thursday the 5th.

2.1    Natural Resource Inventory – We need work with Chris Kane on the Conservation Plan element of the NRI. Focusing on aquifers, streams, brooks, farmland, and wildlife corridors as important factors in the Conservation Plan section is important. Chris has been working on the text portion of the inventory and Carol will try to meet with him at her office in Concord. We are still working on getting the tax map with unimproved lots colored differently, Jed will speak to the assessors and look at the 911 maps that the fire department uses to see how it can be accomplished.

2.2    Rich is trying to set up a meeting with DES and interested local people about the EW Mill Pond study. They want to work with us to find ways to reduce the e-coli levels in the pond during the summer months and keep the pond in a healthy state for everyone to enjoy.

2.3    Global Warming Initiative – The town needs to form an Energy Committee as part of our passing the Global Warming initiative at town meeting. Carol is attending a presentation at the Harris Center tomorrow to get ideas of what it is about and what the responsibilities would entail. We will make recommendations to the selectmen once we know more about it. Nan will send an email to Johanna Young who sponsored the article at town meeting to see what ideas she might have in mind and invite her to our next meeting.

2.4    Lake Host program – Ken Eastman came in an gave us a comprehensive presentation about the Lake Host program. He has secured $2000. from the grant program to run the program at Millen Pond this year. He had originally asked for $3000. but they had many more people seeking funds this year and he got the lesser amount. He would like us to either give some money to help support the program or solicit the selectmen to make up the difference. Ken would like to institute a town wide lake host program encompassing all the major lakes in town. Bradford has a milfoil infestation in Lake Massasecum and that is right next door to us. The state has said that property values drop by at least 20% when milfoil moves into an area, which would be devastating to the tax base. Lake Hosts and prevention are our only defense at this point. His lake hosts on Millen have caught bladderwort and a few other invasive plants on incoming boats but no milfoil so far. He feels it is just a matter of time. Once it is there it is extremely hard and expensive to eradicate. He would like to run the program on Ashuelot and Millen this year. Highland Lake has a program at the Stoddard boat ramp, which is the most used ramp on that lake. We feel this is a very important program and we will write a letter to the selectmen in support and urge them to find the funds to help keep it going.

2.5    We recognized the passing of Margery Swope who was the former Executive Director of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions. She had done a wonderful job for many years advising and guiding all the conservation commissions around the state, including us.


3.0   What's Happening in Nature? What would spring be without snow surprises, torrential rains, and bad flooding. There seems to be a pattern emerging in the last few years and it's not a good one. In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd why don't we all try to "Go Green" in a few little ways and help out the earth by conserving our natural resources. See the "What's New in Nature" page to find suggestions for a few things you can do every day to help fight waste and warming and make your environmental footprint smaller.


4.0     New Business - None


5.0     Other Business - None


6.0     Correspondence:

DES  - notice of complaint, dock components left in water over the winter

Lakeside magazine – publication of NH Lakes Association


7.0   Adjourned at 9:00 PM., our next scheduled meeting is May 16th at 7 PM at the Town Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz
