Minutes- May 17, 2006



1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.

Present: Rich Cook, Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Jed Schwartz.

Guest: Bob Thompson


2.0 Approval of Minutes: Sandy moved we approve the minutes of March 15, 2006 as printed. Second by Jed. Motion passed.


3.0 Old Business:

3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- no activity

3.2 Planning Board update- none

3.3 Adopt a highway will meet on June 2nd at 9:00 a.m. behind the town hall. Please bring gloves.

3.4 What’s happening in nature? Lots of wildflowers are blooming: fringed polygala, star flower, goldthread, foam flower, rhodora is just starting to bloom (Bradford Bog will be spectacular soon).


4.0 Natural Resource Inventory:

4.1   The group discussed the process for the Co-occurrence mapping worksheet. It was decided that we should have a special session to work on the weighting for the model. We reviewed FEMA flood maps and wonder whether they could be available in digital form for the NRI project.


5.0 New Business

5.1 Bob Thompson visited to let us know of his plans to sue the town over the assessment of his property. He feels that the assessing company, Avitar, should not be making wetlands determinations since they are not trained wetlands scientists. He was also interested to look at the new FEMA flood maps.


6.0 Correspondence: Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission newsletter

                        NH Lakes Association Newsletter

                        Antioch NE Institute



7.0   Adjournment:                     


7.1 Next Meeting Date: Special working session May 24th at 7:00 at the Town Hall. Next regular meeting will be on June 21st at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews
