Washington Conservation Commission
– May 20, 2015
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Members present: Arin Mills, Johanna
Young, Jed Schwartz and Nan Schwartz.
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Approval of Minutes from April
meeting, Johanna motioned to approve the minutes, Arin seconded the motion and
all voted in favor. Arin asked Nan to check the Endangered Species Act 4D rule
mentioned in the minutes to see if it specifies more than no logging during
pupping season. Nan checked and it applies to pupping and roosting season (June
and July).
2.0 Permits Committee - No new permits
3.0 Committee
and Board reports:
3.1 Land
Protection Committee - The
committee held a meeting on April 27th. Jed spoke about a 50-acre
parcel that connects to the MacNiel and Camp Morgan
properties. Ken Eastman put Jed in touch with the owner, who wants to sell the
property at a bargain price. The Forest Society is going to buy the property
and make it part of the reservation. The LPC made the decision to support the
purchase for the amount of $10K. Jed made a motion to spend $10K of our
conservation fund dollars for this project, Arin seconded the motion and all
voted in favor.
spoke next about the piece of property that a party is hoping to donate to the
town for the Conservation Commission on the backside of Ashuelot
Pond. The Selectmen were wary about taking the land and werenÕt sure how to get
the money to the CC. The Town Attorney suggested setting up a trust to ensure
the proceeds will go to the CCÕs conservation fund.
Jed contacted the attorney to get a price for setting up the trust and hasnÕt
heard back from him yet. Jed motioned that we spend up to $1K for the legal
fees associated with creating the trust to facilitate the transaction. Johanna
seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
spoke about the piece of wetland property that someone has offered to sell to
the CC. We will meet to check it out 15 minutes before our next meeting in June.
3.2 Energy Committee – Johanna
said they met on the 7th of May to work on the Energy Chapter for
the Planning BoardÕs Master Plan update. They met with Mike McCrory
from UVLSRPC to get some tips about writing the energy chapter. He told them it
is best to take their time and it can be added later if the MP is done before
they are. He said they should have a vision statement specifically for energy
and have goals and recommendations. Johanna asked about length and Nan said
some chapters are running 6-12 pages. McCrory talked
about the ÒStrategic Energy Action ToolkitÓ and said it would be helpful to
look at it first. She said that drafting the chapter would be their summer
focus. Nan said that the Master Plan Committee is shooting to have the rest of the
chapters done by September and will hold another public hearing at that point.
3.3 Planning
Board – Nan reported that the Master Plan Update Committee has 6 chapter
drafts done, they are holding a public hearing on June 2nd at
6:30PM. The draft chapters are available online on the Town website and there
are hard copies available at the Town Hall and Library.
3.4 Forestry Committee
– Tom was not in attendance, but Jed he spoke with both Tom and Pete
Martin. Tom said that Anita Blakman is done with her cruise and is finishing up
her report for the Farnsworth Hill Town Forest. They asked Jed to get the
report in the hands of SPNHF, as they want to access the TF for logging through
the FH Reservation. Arin asked if the forester is looking at wildlife habitat
and biodiversity in her report. If it is not there we will ask about it. When
Jed gets a copy of her plan he will send it out to members.
3.5 Legislative update - No news.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
4.1 WoW visit
– We will try to schedule a visit again next year. Arin mentioned our
favorite vernal pool is dry right now from lack of rain, she is glad we didnÕt
do an outing this year. There is a lot of stress on the vernal pool creatures
because of a lack of rain.
4.2 Speaking
for Wildlife – Arin wanted to pick a date for our bat presentation. We
chose July 17th, Friday night for the date. Arin will do the Bat
presentation and incorporate a presentation on EAB. Arin wondered if there is a
log and EAB bug sample available for showing people what to look for. Arin and
Nan will investigate. We decided to do the presentation at Town Hall. Nan will
check with Deb on availability. Nan and Jed can pick up materials for Arin at
the Extension office in Newport. Arin talked about getting a price from the bat
survey guy to do a survey here and we encouraged her to get a price from him.
She also wants to get Lionel to take us on a hike up Lovewell
Mountain, to where the caves are found.
4.3 Arin said she attended one of the
Wildlife Action Plan update listening sessions. They have a survey online right
now that they want CC members (and others) to fill out. It is available here:
She said that they talked
about big impacts to wildlife, who should do what to
help these impacts. She said that she suggested they develop some generic plans
to oversee properties including goals and recommendations for management, like
a plug-in document. Nan said that could help with he Town Forests. Johanna
mentioned she is going to be an intern on a forested property in Canterbury, Òthe
Church of the WoodsÓ.
4.4 Tracking Invasive Plants project
– We continue input for the sheets we have. The reporting sheets and
guides are always available here: InvasiveProject.html
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Election of Officers –
Johanna asked who our officers are at present. Jed said that he is chair, Arin
is vice chair and Nan is secretary. Johanna motioned to keep the same people in
their positions, Arin seconded and all voted in favor.
5.2 Adopt-a-Highway – We did our
first trash pickup on Saturday, May 16th and got 7 full bags, which
we took to the transfer station. We picked July 11th, Saturday for
our next pick up. Nan will send a reminder.
5.3 Donation request from ARLAC –
We received a letter from Ashuelot River Local
Advisory Committee requesting a $100 donation to help with their RLAP program.
Jed made a motion to send a $100 donation, Arin seconded and all voted in
favor. Nan will let Lynda know to send the donation from the conservation fund.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Update the NRI maps – Arin
and Nan will look over our list of maps and discuss our needs this month.
6.3 Barker easement – Nan looked
into NH Trails Bureau and there are several possibilities for grants, but no
funds available right now, possibly later this year.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
said it is extremely dry. Arin said we havenÕt had significant rain in over a
month. There is no burning allowed.
saw what he thought was an eagle or a really large hawk flying over East
Washington today. Arin said there was an immature eagle flying over Ashuelot recently, near the boat launch. Johanna saw one
last year.
had a red fox in her front yard, he was looking at the
wild turkeys.
saw a moose walking on RT. 31 in the wetland area. She showed us a picture of
the juvenile moose.
has solitary sandpipers near her pond.
said Phil saw a wood duck on JohannaÕs pond. Johanna said they have mergansers
saw her northern water snake, a big male beaver and a robin-sized bird she
couldnÕt identify, that was grey with a white breast
and some black on it.
heard the Whip-poor-will calling in Auburn. She said we should listen for them
near the full moon on June 2nd.
has hummingbirds and Arin said she has seen some too.
said he has 2 pairs of nesting Bluebirds. They swoop around in the garden all
day, eating bugs.
said she has Baltimore Orioles and Goldfinches. Jed has some Orioles too and
said they are very chatty. Arin suggested they hang some orange halves around
for the Orioles.
learn about Baltimore Orioles in NH, click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
Copy of Wetland PBN Permit application, dock
replacement, Sadock, TM 20-119, 113 Pheasant Lane,
Highland Lake
from Barbara Skuly ARLAC, request for donation
of Forest Notes
copy of letter to Sadock, stating his application for
PBN was not complete.
9.0 Adjourned
at 8:35 PM, our next scheduled
meeting is June 17th, at 7PM at the Town Hall.
Schwartz, Secretary