Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes - June 15, 2011


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Jed Schwartz, Arin Mills, Sandy Robinson, Ken Eastman, Nan Schwartz and Johanna Young


1.0   Approval of Minutes: Minutes from May, Arin made a motion to approve, Johanna seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0    Old Business:

2.1   Permits Committee – We sent a letter to DES reguarding our concerns with the Feeney wetlands permit application. We also sent our comments to the reviewer on the shoreland permit application. Arin asked what would trigger the need for a stormwater plan. Jed said that we can suggest the need for one and DES can make it a condition of the permit. We can request copies of any engineering report or other documents asked for by DES. We will have to check on whether a condition is met and plans are executed as they say they will be.

        There were no new permit applications.

        DES sent notice that if we want to comment on the Feeney's Dredge and Fill permit application we need to do so by June 2nd.

        DES sent notice that Feeney's Shoreland permit application was accepted on May 19th and will be processed within 30 days.

        DES sent notice that Feeney's Shoreland permit application was approved for their project with conditions.

        DES sent notice that Capra Shoreland permit application was approved for their project with conditions.


2.2   Adopt a Highway – Frank Linnenbringer joined us to give us a safety update and bring us our new sign. He gave us a little background about the program. He is the coordinator for District 4, which includes Cheshire County and 3 towns in Sullivan County and some in Hillsboro County. There are 75 groups in his area picking up trash on 166 miles of road who last year picked up 686 bags of trash, which adds up to 6.5 tons and 350 hours of group time. There were 46 tons of trash picked up statewide last year. We have been members for 9 years. Nan asked if there were forms available on their website, we havenŐt always been good about filing out our status report and sign up sheets and submitting our forms, Frank stated that they are available there. They also want to know about any large or hazardous items because they will pick them up for us. Jed stated that we have been taking our own trash to the recycling center but we will let them know if there is something we need them to pick up. He spoke about the safety check list and went over the items with us. He mentioned a potentially hazardous item that has been showing up in some towns – items left from methamphetamin production. These can be explosive and toxic so everyone needs to be aware of the danger and call DOT and the police to deal with it. He spoke about watching for traffic, the state has no responsibility if anyone gets hurt and the liability is our own. Ken asked if there are resources for lake associations or other town groups doing cleanup. Frank said the program is for state roads but he will make bags available to the town for distribution to these groups. Johanna asked about Rt. 31 South and Frank said that if there is a group that wants to take it on, the application process is very simple. It was suggested that maybe the Energy Committee could partner with Parks and Recreation or some other group to do that stretch of road. Frank delivered our new sign and a box of bags and we thanked him for making the long trip to Washington to give us a safety update and answer our questions.


2.3   Energy Committee – Johanna reported that ribbon cutting for the solar panels at the town garage was on Monday. The company that installed the array did an educational program with the school kids prior to them attending the ribbon cutting. The Energy Committee recently met with Mike McCrory from the UVLSRPC to learn what they could do to assist the EC. They are tracking the energy use of all municipal buildings. he said that Ed Thayer is interested in installing an alternative heat source in the town garage. Arin suggested putting up a sign at the Recycling center giving facts about recycling and energy savings, she feels we should brag about what the town is accomplishing with our efforts in both areas. Maybe a white board could be installed and updated monthly or quarterly. Ken will bring the suggestion up with Ed. Johanna mentioned the Carbon Challenge and said maybe the town could do one.


2.4   Tax Lot Assessment – Nan updated us on the progress being made on the tax parcel assessment project. We discussed the site visits and Nan scheduled the first one for Saturday, June 18th at 9AM, meet at the Town Hall then we will carpool out to LAE and do as many lots as we can in a few hours that morning.


2.5   Whip-poor-will survey outing - Arin said that the outing that we previously planned for last weekend was rained out so we are going to try for June 18th, meeting at the Town Hall at 8PM. Arin said she is putting together a fact sheet, survey protocol and some maps to pinpoint any sightings (or hearings). We all hope for nicer weather that day.


3.0   What's Happening in Nature?

Johanna ran into a bear and her 2 cubs while out for a run on Rt. 31, She backed away when she saw them and was unable to finish her run because the bear was between her and home. She was able to flag down a car and get a ride home. She spoke with a neighbor from Bailey Rd. who had also seen the bears.

Ken said he got a picture of a bear with his wildlife camera, it was standing up looking for seed in the birdfeeder.

Ken said there are 2 nesting loons on Millen Pond but no hatchlings yet, maybe in July.

Johanna saw a fisher out in the afternoon, walking along her pond. Her beaver pond is getting too high and she may have to put in some drains to control the water height.

Ken said there are 2 beaver dams on Millen Pond Rd., across the road from BachandŐs.

Arin saw a moose on Rt.31, in the low area and said there are lots of deer being spotted in LAE.

Johanna saw a gray fox and a red fox recently near her house.

Jed mentioned a ring-necked pheasant in his yard running along the fence line.

Arin and Johanna both saw a big snapping turtle on Rt. 31, in the same location.

Ken mentioned that he didnŐt think that the state had stocked Millen Pond this year but recently someone caught a very large trout in the pond. The state stocks many ponds with trout in Washington and there is good fishing to be had all over town. For some tips and helpful links for fishing, click here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


4.0   Other Business:


4.1   Jed mentioned that the property we bought out on Twin Bridge Road could use a trash pickup. The previous owners were camping out there and left all sorts of junk on the property. We will schedule something for a day this summer.


4.2   Arin asked Ken about water testing in Ashuelot and who was responsible for getting it done. Ken thought that the LAE board probably took care of it. Arin said she would be willing to help by doing the testing or bringing it to Concord to the lab since she goes in to work everyday. Ken suggested she contact the LAE board and offer to help.


5.0   New Business: None


6.0   Correspondence:

           DES Shoreland Permit  approval for Capra, TM 14-406, 104Ashuelot Acre Road.

           DES Shoreland Permit  approval for Feeney, TM 11-48, 648 Millen Pond Road.

DES notice of  application acceptance for Shoreland Permit application for Feeney, TM 11-48, 648 Millen Pond Road and notice of need for comment by June 2nd for Feeney's Dredge and Fill permit application.

                 Copy of Standard Dredge and Fill permit application, Feeney, TM 11-48.


6.0   Adjourned at 8:25 PM, our next scheduled meeting is July 20th at 7 PM in the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
