Washington Conservation Commission
Ð June 15, 2022
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Meeting at Town Hall.
Members present: Arin
Mills, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz
Visitors: None
of Minutes: May minutes approved as written.
Permits Committee Ð
New: Calabro, TM
14-184, DES notice of Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands permit application,
Arin will contact Barbara Skuly to see if she has a
copy of the application because we did not receive one. We did receive the
notice of an application submitted but not in time to comment. DES 2022-01582
Kaufman, TM 14-495, Complete
seasonal dock notification, DES 2022-01501
Previous: Habashian,
TM 24-64, 18 Lookout Point, Expedited wetlands permit, accepted and approved.
Stubbs, TM 20-182, Beaver Brook Road, Expedited
Wetlands Permit application, new pictures (without snow cover) and an erosion
plan for construction were provided and we got a copy of the documents.
Voisine, TM 24-108-1, 126 Cove Rd, PBN for dock
anchoring pad, also required to do a restoration plan for cutting trees in the
waterfront zone, approved application and plan.
TM 25-93, 1901 Valley Road, Wetland PBN, incomplete application, application
TM 25-116, 1681 Valley Road, reported violation, construction of 2 garages and
altered an
existing structure in protected shoreline. Letter
of Deficiency received.
Town of Washington, Camp Morgan Beach, Millen Pond Road,
Standard Dredge and Fill permit application, beach sand replenishment project,
permit approved. Work is being done this week.
TM 24-58, 46 Lookout Point Road, installation of dock without a permit.
*Johnson/Kimball Ð Notice of complaint,
dredging in Highland Lake, TM 25-93, letter of deficiency and steps to mitigate.
Incomplete PBN for dock.
*Colette - Complaint of
violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone, no follow up yet
Longval Ð Arin and Jed spoke with the BoS and they are
willing to entertain a land swap or equal
* these are complaints
with no follow up by DES, we are waiting for more information.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports -
3.1 Land Protection Committee Ð Jed met with the BoS and has
arranged a meeting with them and Brian Hotz for June 30th at 3PM.
Jed will check with Carol to see if she wants to attend. The Forest Society is
working on a budget for the project. We met with Kelli (WES) to discuss school
needs and hiked around looking at outdoor classroom possibilities.
3.2 Energy Committee Ð They have not
been meeting but Andrew is working with the School Board and is looking for some
potential incentives for getting weatherization and energy projects done.
3.3 Planning Board Ð No news.
3.4 Forestry Committee Ð We
met with the BoS and Anita Blakeman about a possible
cut on the Camp Morgan Town Forest. No Forestry Committee members were able to
attend. Anita was tasked with taking a walk on the property and making a
report. We will meet again once she has done that.
Legislative update Ð No news.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops Ð
4.1 Hillsboro CC invited us to a Land
Conservation Seminar, on June 25th, Saturday, from 10 to Noon, taking
place at Fox State Forest. To RSVP - mail to:conservation@hillsboroughnh.net.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup ÐWe
rescheduled our first trash pickup for June 22th at 3:15PM. We will
meet at the parking area by the Library.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet Ð Nan and Arin will continue
working on this. The old trail map has been reprinted and Nan left some copies
for the Town Clerk to sell.
6.2 Facebook Page Ð Arin said she is continuing
to post items when she can. To check out the CCÕs Facebook page go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.3 Tracking
Invasive Plants project Ð The reporting sheets and guides are always available
here: InvasiveProject.html
6.4 Master
Plan goals for 2022 Ð This is a placeholder.
6.5 ATV/UTV road usage map Ð Has been
printed and Jed left the box of maps for Deb.
6.6 East Washington Town Forest Ð The gravel
committee is met and the borings are being done soon.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
saw a young Black Bear up on Bear Hill Road.
said that the gardens are growing well and it has been a great spring with good
moisture. He said their strawberries are in.
saw a small brown snake in her garden (pencil sized). She wasnÕt sure what kind
of snake it was.
mentioned they have 2 sets of Blue Birds in their boxes. He saw a Flicker in
his pasture and there are Barn Swallows nesting in the barn.
mentioned that Reid and Cody had a Painted Turtle that dug a hole in the lawn
and laid eggs. They are watching the spot so they can help the hatchlings make
it across the road to the pond.
saw a very skinny fox in LAE.
mentioned that the trees along Rte 202 and 9 on the
way to Concord, are being defoliated by Spongy Moths (formerly known as Gypsy Moths).
To learn more about Spongy Moths, click here: NewinNature.html
9.0 Adjourned at 8:46PM, the next
meeting is Wednesday, June 15th at 7PM, at Town Hall.
Schwartz, Secretary