Washington Conservation Commission
Minutes – June 19, 2013
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Members present: Ken Eastman, Johanna Young, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Arin Mills.
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Minutes from May 15, 2013, Johanna made a motion to approve, Ken seconded, all voted in favor.
2.0 Permits Committee – Permit By Notification – Wetlands Bureau, James Smith, 158 Harrison Road, Ashuelot Pond, beach sand replenishment, 10 yards, we didnÕt need to comment on this application, Ken had gone out to take a look at the location and all looked good.
3.0 Committee and Board reports:
3.1 Land Protection Committee - Has not met.
3.2 Energy Committee – Johanna reported that they are going ahead with their Energy Expo with a tentative date od August 24th at the same time as the FarmerÕs Market, 10AM to 2PM. Andrew is working on a flyer and they have possible vendors lined up for Solar and micro hydro. She said Andrew has a 20Õx20Õ tent if needed, they will do it rain or shine. Arin suggested they talk about the audits of municipal buildings that have been done and the solar panels at the transfer station. Johanna said that Al Krygeris is entering all the data from the municipal buildings into a data base program to keep track of the townÕs energy use. EC is talking about doing a presentation at Town Meeting next March about this. She mentioned they are looking at Small Community grants to do a project with an educational component. They may do another film series.
3.3 Planning Board – Nan reported that the Planning Board is working updating the Master Plan and they have formed a subcommittee to do the work. They are looking for community members to join and help do the work. She also mentioned that they would be happy to have the Energy Committee do an energy chapter to include in the MP. She will speak further with Johanna about it.
3.4 Forestry Committee – No news.
3.5 Legislative update – Nan spoke briefly about legislation that has been pending.
1. SB 102 - (local option to elect conservation commissioners) was killed.
2. House Bill 513 - Shoreland Protection Act – has passed the House and Senate.
3. SB 124-FN Integrated Land Development Permit has passed the Senate and House.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
4.1 We are doing a hike up Bean Mountain to a Wind Tower this Sunday, June 23rd, meeting at 10AM at the base of Bean Mountain Road at Lempster Mountain Road. Arin made flyers and put them up around town. She also sent flyers home with the Washington Elementary School kids this week. Jed spoke with LempsterÕs CC Chair, Jim Beard and invited their members to join us on the hike. Arin was hoping to learn some history about the area but we were unable to. Nan will print out 6 of ArinÕs maps and make parking signs. Everyone should bring something to contribute for a trail mix.
4.2 Tracking Invasive Plants project – Arin made up a reporting form and we all looked it over and approved it. Nan had made up an invasive plant guide with the plants Arin had included on her reporting document with pictures of the plants and information about them. This will help people with their identification. Nan also had a map that UNH Co-op had on their website for Washington showing potential distribution of invasive plants. Arin hadnÕt seen it yet but had heard about the project. They mentioned Norway Maple and Pepperweed as invasives to watch out for in Washington. We hadnÕt included these on our sheet, so Nan will look into them further to see if we want to add them. We will have both sheets and guides available on our website and Nan will also print some out to put in folders to give to people who want to participate. We each took 2 sheets to fill out before next monthÕs meeting to give it a test run. Arin will map the sites after we fill out the sheets. We will consider having a booth with information packets at an event this summer.
4.3 Jed spoke about a Watershed/erosion/stormwater presentation that John Brighton has asked us to pull together with Ed Thayer for this summer. He hopes to get the local lake association members to come and learn about these issues and keeping the lakes healthy and clean. Jed has been in contact with DES to see if they have someone who could come out and do a presentation. They have a new initiative called ŌSoak up the RainĶ that could be good. Jed has asked the VLAP coordinator for some others to contact. We will also contact NH LAKES Association. They are hoping to have the presentation this summer during July or August. Ken said we need to keep it relevant to the local community and the biggest advocates are the waterfront lot owners. If anyone has further ideas or thought contact Jed soon.
4.4 Nan mentioned to Hike and Cookout for Farnsworth Hill Forest Celebration, on July 13th, we received an invitation to attend both events. Nan handed out copies of the invitation and asked that members RSVP for the cookout if they will be attending. The hike is open to the public but the cookout is for donors only.
5.0 New business – None
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 We set our next Adopt-a-Highway pick up date for Saturday, July 20th at 9AM, meeting at the Library parking lot. We will schedule our other 2 pickup dates as we go along in August and October.
6.2 Johanna mentioned her annual swim will be sometime in July, possibly the 27th. Heather will be up visiting for the month of July and she hopes they will do the swim together again this year.
6.3 NRI update – Sandy had copies of the NRI and Conservation Plans made for members so we will start to read through them and make notes. We will schedule a working session sometime later in the summer. Arin commented that she thinks we should up date the maps and some of the information and feels that we should pinpoint goals for the plan, maybe include eradicating invasive plants and land protection to help guide development in town. We will set a goal to have it done within a yearÕs time.
6.4 East Washington Rd. stabilization plan for Mill Pond bank – Jed said that we received a copy of the Parks and Recreation CommissionÕs comments about this project and we have been asked to also comment. The bank of Mill Pond, by the East Washington Road, is eroding back toward the roadÕs edge and Ed (PWD) is working with NH DOT to fix the problem. The road along there is a state road so they will do all the permitting and provide equipment and materials but EdÕs crew will do the work. They are looking for suggestions. We feel that they should use native stone for a retaining wall and native plants to help stabilize things. We would ask them not to use the plastic netting for mulching after planting with native grasses, but instead use straw for mulch, as it is safe for reptiles and amphibians. Jed will write up a letter to send to Ed.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
Jed had an encounter with a Wood Turtle while he was working on his trail near the Island Pond brook. He was cutting brush with a blade and saw it out of the corner of his eye. He though at first it was a Painted Turtle but he picked it up and examined it and realized it was a wood turtle. They are a species of concern in New Hampshire. He reported the sighting on the Fish & Game website RAARP, http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/Nongame/reptiles_amphibians.htm
Unfortunately, he didnÕt have his camera with him. Arin has seen one in Pembroke and shared a nice picture of it. Jed has stopped to move several turtles out of the road recently, the turtles are on the move and laying eggs.
Johanna said she has Snapping Turtle nest next to her pond. She also saw a Garter Snake in her yard and some bears. She heard coyotes howling this evening. There were turkey tracks near her garden.
Ken said he saw a gigantic porcupine in his yard.
Jed had a Mallard duck mama and her 13 ducklings in his back pasture. He recently saw a large Snapping Turtle on the big rock in the pond, sunning itself.
Johanna said she had one of her beavers climb a boulder in order to look at her other pond.
Sandy sent word that there is a family group of three bears (Mom and 2 cubs) being seen around the neighborhood in East Washington. She also saw two healthy foxes. Ed Thayer saw a fawn sleeping in the tall grass when he was cutting his hay. He has seen the mother doe and her fawn and has taken pictures of them with his trail camera.
Arin is attending a bird survey event in Pembroke on Friday night. They hope to hear Whip-poor-wills and Nighthawks. It is on Riverwood Drive at 9:30PM. She will try to get a recording of a Whip-poor-will.
To learn more about Wood Turtles and NH Fish & GameÕs RAARP program, click here:
8.0 Correspondence:
SPNHF Invitation to Hike and Cookout for Farnsworth Hill Forest Celebration
Copy of PBN, James Smith, beach sand replenishment, Ashuelot Pond
UNH Coop Ext. - Info on NH Coverts Project (workshop scheduled for Sept 18-21) and Field Trip 101 workshop (July 18th 10 – 2PM)
9.0 Adjourned at 8:20 PM, our next scheduled meeting is June 19th at 7PM at the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz, Secretary