Minutes- June 22, 2004
1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mike Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Tom Taylor, Nan Schwartz, Lionel Ruggles Chute, Aileen Ruggles Chute, Ann Delucia, Peter France.
2.0 Approval of Minutes: approved with correction to the names Aileen and Lionel Ruggles Chute.
3.0 Old Business:
3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- we have just received notice of a Dredge and Fill permit. Mike will review and contact members of the committee.
3.2 Website: Carol has transferred information on local foods to Nan for posting on the website.
3.3 Sandy moved that Mike write a letter to the Selectmen requesting that the board not sell any LAE lots taken for taxes until a study of watershed issues is undertaken. Second by Ann. Motion passed.
3.4 Adopt a Highway- Carol will circulate an email to see if there is interest in the July 5th date for the highway cleanup. We will meet at 9 a.m. behind the Town Hall.
3.5 Smart Growth- from Rufford Harrison's notes of June 8th "The Smart Growth Program stems from the NH State government, but has a purely recommendatory nature; it has no enforcement power. It is administered by one Carolyn Russell (not the CR in Washington), who visited the Town at 1 pm on June 8. Present were Don Damm, Richard cook, Howard Nelson (representing Jack Sheehy, of the Planning Board), Al Krygeris and Rufford Harrison. The meeting ended at about 7 pm, with an agreement that Ms. Russell should draft a presentation for Washington. It was agreed that she would present this first to a small group (presumably the above group) at 4 pm on July 13, and would return at 7 pm on August 18 for a public presentation, followed by a brainstorming session." The Planning Board is the appropriate entity to start this initiative. Lionel and Mike to attend the next meeting of the Planning Board on July 6th. Ms. Russell stated that if a townÕs level of impervious surfaces (roofs, paved roads, etc.) reaches 10%, water quality will measurably decrease.
3.6 There will be a meeting at Keene State College on Monday, June 28th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to discuss the Draft Ashuelot River Watershed Land Conservation Plan. Carol to attend. Saturday July 17 ÒWorking with your WoodlotÓ 9 a.m. in Dover, July 17th (2:00 p.m.?) there will be a hike on the Camp Morgan Town Forest to see the timber harvest.
3.7 Terms and appointments: Sandy and Tom agreed to renew their terms on the Commission. Don Richard and John Tweedy were not present, but will be contacted. Mike to send a letter of appointment to the Selectmen for approval. Mike stated that he would like someone else to take the position of chairman. Sandy moved that we put Rich CookÕs name forward as the chair; subject to his approval. Second by Lionel. Motion passed with enthusiasm.
3.8 Tom mentioned that there are a large number of shoreland violations in the town. The group felt that it might be helpful if we placed a copy of the Shoreland Protection Act (or a fact sheet) in the Post Office and on the website.
3.9 WhatÕs happening in nature? Lionel stated that this is a huge year for caterpillars.
Bats are reproducing now.
4.0 Natural Resource Inventory:
5.0 New Business
6.0 Correspondence:
The NH Coverts Project Workshop September 10-13, 2003 at Sargent Center in Hancock.
Working on Your Woodlot, Saturday July 17, 2004 Strafford County Complex, County Farm Rd. Dover 9-3.
Dredge and Fill Permit
Notice of presentation of the Draft Ashuelot River Watershed Land Conservation Plan, Monday June 28th at 7 p.m. at Keene State College Young Student Center.
7.0 Adjournment: 8:40 p.m.
7.1 Next Meeting Date: July 27th at 7:00 at the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol K. Andrews