Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – July 16, 2008


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Johanna Young, Nan Schwartz


1.0    Approval of Minutes: No quorum to vote on minutes, we will take them up next month.


2.0   Old Business:

2.1   Dredge and Fill Committee – On Nuthatch Way, Girardi Limited Partnership, Tax Map 20-121-5. This is an after the fact Standard Dredge and Fill application for a driveway culvert. The application covered driveway access and a path to the waterfront. We will need to go out and take a look at it. Carol and Nan will go Thursday morning at 9 AM. We should ask Rich if the Nuthatch Way right-of-way matter has been resolved.

        Highland Lake area, Michael Bosetti, TM 20-161, sent requested updated information for permit application, enclosed deeds for right-of-way. Nan will check with Rich to see if he had gone out to look at the lot previously.

2.2   Energy Committee - The Energy Committee  is trying to find people in town who are interested in saving energy (and saving money at the same time). They are gathering information about energy saving to give out. They would still like to do an audit on the efficiency of the town buildings Johanna knows someone who does audits but it costs money to have it done. She will contact the selectmen about doing an audit. Johanna mentioned that new England Grass Root Environmental Fund is taking applications again this year for $2500.00 grants. They are thinking about what they might try to get funds to do. The idea needs to have direct impact for the town's people, maybe raising awareness about energy saving measures. The deadline is September 15th. Discussion about doing a display at Old Home Day next summer both Conservation Commission and Energy Committee. We could do a Conservation Plan display and Energy Committee could do a bulb giveaway and energy saving idea display. We will add this to the agenda for the next few months and keep talking about it. Johanna will check to see if the Carbon Coalition has their newsletter online and we can put a link for it on our website. The Energy Committee wants to ask the town to have a no-idling policy for town vehicles.

2.3   Town Forests – The Forest Committee was scheduled to have a meeting last night (July 15) Carol will talk to Tom Taylor to see if they met.

2.4   NRI Maps and Conservation Plan – Carol, Nan, Sandy and Arin had a meting in Concord with Chris Kane to go over the maps and talked about get the NRI finished up. According to the assessors "Tipping Rock" is actually in Washington. There has been some question about its true location, some thought it was in Bradford.

2.4   New Shoreland Protection Act Informational Presentation – Carol is speaking with someone at DES about coming out to do and informational presentation for the town. We thought maybe on our next monthly meeting night, August 20th. Carol will see if they could do it then. Would we want the Town Hall or Camp Morgan for the location? We would invite surrounding towns such as Lempster and Hillsboro. We could also have a short presentation about the Conservation Plan.

2.5   Adopt-a-Highway trash pick up – Carol signed a contract for another two years. We planned a date to pick up trash for this Saturday, July 19th. We will meet at the Town Hall at 9AM. Nan will send out an email to see who else can be there.

2.6   Space Needs Task Force – Carol talked to Dennis Kelly about our space needs. She asked Johanna if the Energy Committee has space needs, Johanna said computer access and racks for information. Carol mentioned a computer and projection system that could be available to use for presentations.


3.0   New Business: None


4.0   WhatÕs Happening in Nature?

Johanna said Lindley saw a juvenile bear in the berry patch near their pond, he ran into the wetlands after being spotted. They also saw bear scat on a nearby trail. She also saw a snowshoe hare with its brown summer coat on eating something in her driveway. She and Lindley caught 2 catfish in their pond and also saw 2 otters, a Great Blue Heron, painted turtles and a Pileated Woodpecker near the pond. Carol saw 2 loons while kayaking at Pillsbury State Park on Butterfield and May Ponds. She noticed that they stretch their feet out behind them and use them as a paddle while swimming. This seemed like an odd behavior that she had never seen before. For more information about loons in New Hampshire click here:

http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html She also saw painted turtles in the ponds at Pillsbury. Several of us commented that Pillsbury Park is a treasure and that we forget to visit and take advantage of the great trails and ponds there.

People have been reporting goose problems on some of the area ponds. Nan reported that the swans in Mill Pond are doing a good job of keeping the geese out of there. Carol saw 2 moose on Half Moon Pond eating weeds near the edge of the pond.


5.0   Other Business: None          


6.0   Correspondence:

            Nan will get list from Carol


7.0   Adjourned at 8:30 PM, our next scheduled meeting is August 20th at 7 PM at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
