Washington Conservation Commission
– July 17, 2013
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Members present: Johanna Young,
Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Arin
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Minutes from June 2013, meeting Johanna made a motion to approve, Arin seconded, all voted in favor.
2.0 Permits Committee
– Permit By Notification – Wetlands Bureau, James Smith, 158
Harrison Road, Ashuelot Pond, beach sand
replenishment, 10 yards. We received notice that the application was returned
as incomplete, it needed Sandy PooleÕs signature.
Sandy requested that we sign it, so Nan also signed it.
Jed had a call today
from someone on Highland Lake complaining about an un-permitted dock installed
next to his. Jed suggested he get in touch with DES, which he had already done.
They believe the dock to be un-permitted and are looking into it.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports:
3.1 Land
Protection Committee - Has not met
but may meet soon because LCHIP announced there is a grant round, as a result
of their being fully funded. Projects need to be registered by July 30th
to be included in this round.
3.2 Energy Committee –
Johanna reported that they have not met and that they are not going ahead with
their Energy Expo this summer. Andrew is too busy with business to be involved
this summer and he was doing the major work on it. They will try to do it at a
future date. They are going to work on an Energy Chapter for the Master Plan
update and include something about the effects of climate change and weather
3.3 Planning
Board – Nan reported that the Planning Board is working updating the
Master Plan and they have found some community members to join and help do the
work. They are starting work on the community survey portion and have sent out
a request to all departments/committees for input on the survey questions. We
received the request and Nan will send everyone the request by email so they
can have input. It is due on August 1st.
3.4 Forestry Committee
– No news.
3.5 Legislative update –
Not in session.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
4.1 Tracking Invasive Plants project
– We each filled out 2 of ArinÕs reporting
forms and turned them into Arin, she will work on
incorporating them into a map. Nan had made up 10 packets with the invasive
plant guide, ArinÕs reporting document and an
introductory letter explaining the project. Arin took
a couple of packets to try out on people. When we are ready we will do a ÒDid
you Know?Ó announcement in the SelectmenÕs minutes.
Nan will make both the reporting sheets and guides available on our web site.
4.2 We did a hike up Bean Mountain to a
Wind Tower on June 23rd and had a group of about 20 people. We were joined by Jim Beard and Sue Litchy
from the Lempster Conservation Commission. The
landowner came out to speak with us when we arrived at the wind tower and told
us some history and facts about the wind towers and invited us to his barn to
look at pictures taken during the construction phase. Thanks to Kevin Onnela for his hospitality.
4.3 Jed spoke about a
Watershed/erosion/stormwater presentation that we
have been trying to pull together with Ed Thayer for this summer. It has been
difficult to get anyone to commit for a date this summer so we will put it off
until next year and make sure it happens then.
4.4 The Hike and Cookout for
Farnsworth Hill Forest Celebration, on July 13th was a big success.
The hike started at BrightonÕs and was attended by about 40 people. We hiked up
Farnsworth Hill to the Old Marlow Road, then returned
via the snowmobile trail to BrightonÕs field. The hike was led by Dave Anderson
of the Forest Society and John Brighton (one of the Land Stewards of the
property) assisted with history and stories of the farms and inhabitants of the
property. We took in the expansive and beautiful views and learned a lot along
the way. The donorÕs picnic was excellent and we were awarded a plaque from the
Forest Society, for our participation in the project (as well as others who
were important to getting the project done). We will ask the Selectmen if we
can put the plaque up in the Town Hall.
5.0 New business – Arin wants to plan a hike up Lovewell
Mountain in the fall, maybe in early October. We will keep talking about it and
definitely plan this hike.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 We decided to reschedule our next
Adopt-a-Highway pick up date, which would have been this Saturday, July 20th
to August 3rd, at 9AM.We decided because of the heat it would be
better to push the date out a couple of weeks.
6.2 Johanna mentioned her annual swim will now take place in August, most likely the 3rd
Saturday. Heather will be gone so they wonÕt be able to do the swim together
this year.
6.3 NRI update – We are putting
this discussion off until fall because no one has time to focus on this during
the summer months.
6.4 East Washington Rd. stabilization
plan for Mill Pond bank – Jed shared the comment letter we sent to Ed
about this project. Everyone read the letter and approved. Ed said we will also have another chance to comment during the
permitting phase.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
Arin saw the baby loon on Millen Pond and tried to
get a picture of it but it dove out of sight. It was swimming near the mother
loon. She also saw an adult loon swimming alone on Ashuelot
Pond near the swimming area.
said she has a Great Blue Heron in her pond fishing everyday. Jed said that
there is a Great Blue Heron that fishes below the Mill Pond dam in East
Washington. Sometimes you surprise it and it will take off flying. It is a
really big bird and it is very graceful when it flies.
has painted turtles digging multiple holes in her driveway looking for a spot
to lay eggs. One abandoned her hole because Johanna and Lindley looked at it.
She said she had read an article about painted turtles and the fact that hotter
weather due to climate change will make the turtle babies be born as female.
sent word he chased a moose down Millen Pond Road with something big in its
mouth that looked like tomato plants.
has observed some bat guano in his barn and he is pleased that the bats are
back in residence.
has several cedar waxwings hanging around.
asked if anyone knew if Bluebirds have more than one set of young each year, it
appears that they are nesting again in their box.
asked about a brown, tan and white-breasted bird (robin sized), who is nesting in a bush in the middle of her beaver pond.
No one was sure what it was.
commented on the flash flood that occurred a couple of weeks ago. We had 4
inches of rain in a couple of hours and there was a lot of road damage around
town. Arin was cut off from getting out when the
bridge project on Faxon Hill washed out. Luckily, the
road crew got the roads passable pretty quickly. Arin
asked about what happens with all the gravel and material that washed down the
stream during the event. It washed down onto private property. She wondered if
there was an mitigation or way to get it cleaned up.
We think the landowner is stuck with the mess and has to clean it up if
possible. Johanna said the frogs were jumping out of her pond and onto a rock for
safety during the strom, she had a lot of gravel wash
into her pond from her driveway and they were scared. The beavers had no
problem with the high water because there dam is well
we are having a heat wave (mid to high 90 degrees) that has been going on most
of the week. It is expected to break on Saturday with thunderstorms. We will
hope there are no more flash floods.
learn more about the magnificent Great Blue Heron, click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
DES notice of incomplete
application form for James Smith, beach sand replenishment, Ashuelot
Pond, needs Town Clerk signature, done
Master Plan survey
question request from PB
Save the date card from
Caroline A. Fox Forest, Henry I Baldwin Environmental Center, State
Archeologist, Richard Boisvert, will give a talk on
ÒClimate Change 10-12,000 Years AgoÓ, Thursday, July 25th at 7PM.
you note from Barbara Skuly, ARLAC, for our $100
9.0 Adjourned
at 7:40 PM, our next scheduled meeting is August 21st at 7PM at the
Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Schwartz, Secretary