Minutes- July 19, 2006
1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.
Present: Carol Andrews, Don Richard, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz, Jack Sheehy
2.0 Approval of Minutes: We will approve minutes at our next meeting because we didnÕt have copies handy to look at.
3.0 Old Business:
3.1 Seasonal dock permit from Frank Musmanno on Smith Pond. Vote to sign permit, Jed moved, Don seconded. Vote was unanimous to sign.
3.2 Jack Sheehy came to talk to us about a subdivision application the Planning Board has for an 18 acre subdivision on Ayers Pond Road. There is an aquifer in that vicinity and he wanted to know what we had to comment about the location of the 5 lot subdivision and any other concerns. We looked at the plan he had and noted that a section of the land has been previously clear cut within the last few years. There is little vegetation growing back in the logged section and the few trees that were left are dying. The all of the land slopes toward Woodward Brook which feeds the Center Pond in East Washington. The brook needs to be protected during construction and afterward. It takes 75 feet of vegetation and woods to filter storm water runoff. They could ask for a drainage analysis and plan, requesting that the run off be the same for 2 and 10 year storms. We discussed an alternate plan for the site that would cluster the houses and leave more open space (a conservation subdivision) with this plan you can also share wells and septic and not duplicate resources for each individual home. Not everyone agreed that this is a good alternative way to go. The soil seems to be extremely well draining which maybe why there is no vegetation growing there. There were also several wetlands on the map that would need to be protected during construction and after. Barbara Cash had called Carol about the subdivision plan and Carol will call her back. She will ask her if we can do a site walk so we can make more accurate observations to pass on to the Planning Board. A motion was made by Jed to send a list of the comments/concerns we came up with at our meeting to the Planning Board, the motion was seconded by Don, vote was unanimous.
4.0 New Business Š
4.1 Don brought up the road dust problem, it seems really bad right now. Calcium Chloride has been used in the past to hold down the dust on gravel roads but we arenÕt sure if it is being used this year. Jed will talk to Ed Thayer and ask him about it.
4.2 Jed mentioned he will be getting together some interested parties to discuss the dredging of the Center Pond in East Washington in the near future. Carol said there may be grant funds available through the state Conservation board (funded through the Moose plate fund) for a real comprehensive study of the pond. Don suggested getting the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts (NHACD) involved.
4.3 WhatÕs new in Nature?
Michael Pon from Washington wrote a commentary last week in the local paper "The Villager". He was lamenting about the recent disappearance of Red Spotted Newts from Millen Pond and what factors may haves caused their decline in numbers. We will put a link on the New in Nature section of the website so people can read it. We hope the newts haven't disappeared for good! They are a favorite creature to "catch and release" for a lot of kids in town.
Don mentioned noticing lots of local Ash trees with die back lately. He wondered if the damage could be caused by a recently imported foreign pest called the Emerald Ash Borer. First found in Detroit in the summer of 2002, this insect has killed millions of ash trees in Michigan and has since been discovered in parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. The Emerald Ash Borer's primary movement seems to be through firewood, so you should only use local sources and don't bring in firewood from out of state. If the spread of Emerald Ash Borer is not controlled, it could eliminate ash trees as a species from North America. The foresters at the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands are keeping an eye out for these pests and others that threaten the trees in NH. He thought we should call the county forester or extension specialist to take a look at the ash trees.
Ticks are plentiful this summer, as anyone with a dog will attest.
There have been beautiful sunsets lately.
5.0 Correspondence:
DES Notification of Routine Roadway and Railway Maintenance Activities
for Town of
Washington for extending a culvert on Lempster Mountain Road
Wetlands Complaint File # 2003-02192 Nuthatch Way, Michael and Julia
Kane. No response to an Administrative Order from 11/04.
Site Specific Permit Application #060223-04 Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary. Request for more information
Planning Board request for capital projects
Source newsletter DES drinking water source protection program
upcoming seminar on private well testing
Southern NH Resource Conservation & Development Area Council newsletter
6.0 Adjournment: 8:25pm
7.0 Next Meeting Date: August 16th at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz