Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes - July 20, 2011


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Jed Schwartz, Carol Andrews, Arin Mills, Sandy Robinson, Ken Eastman, Nan Schwartz, Johanna Young and Tom Taylor


1.0   Approval of Minutes: Minutes from June, Sandy made a motion to approve, Carol seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0   Old Business:

2.1   Permits Committee – There were no new permit applications.

        We discussed Feeney's building project. We gave a copy of our letter to DES to the Selectmen so they would know our concerns about the septic and need for a stormwater plan. The building permit should go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance on the setbacks. Tom mentioned the LUO section #206 Stormwater. He thinks the CC and Selectmen should get together about who's responsibility it is to deal with this issue and make it part of the building permit process. It should be on the check off list on the building permit application. We should send a letter asking that they add this to the application. We will let the Selectmen know that they can consult with us if they have questions about any permit. Nan will speak to the PB about whether they would write a letter also with this concern. Sandy said she will work on a draft letter along with something for the permit, Nan will help. Tom said this is especially important for small lots.


2.2   Land Protection Committee – We met before the start of the CC meeting to talk about some contact we have had with people interested in land protection.


2.3   Energy Committee – Johanna reports that the EC have submitted an application for more free energy audits. They want to do the Library, School and both Fire Department buildings. Arin asked what was done after the audits on the Town Hall and Old School House. Johanna said that several things have been done with more possibilities for future projects. They are talking to Mike McCrory from UVLSRPC about ETAP (Energy Technical Assistance Planning) grants to help pay for audits and other technical assistance. EC has some ideas for retrofits for the Old School House (Police station). Ed Thayer is also interested looking at an alternative fuel heating system for the Highway Garage.


2.4   Tax Lot Assessment – Nan updated us on the progress being made on the tax parcel assessment project. It has been decided to finish up the LAE lots first and they move on to the other lots in town. Tom wants the Selectmen to ask LAE for a stormwater plan to protect the lake. He feels we need to ask Lake and Property Associations to take responsibility for their stormwater. Jed said that we are looking at lots and we can make recommendations on this. Carol  said we would all feel better with a stormwater plan for LAE and all the associations in town. Tom thinks we are making a mistake by finishing the LAE lots before we do all the others. Sandy suggested a Phase 2  that could be a stornwater plan for the whole town. Carol said the NRI did a bird's eye view, now we are looking at specific lots. Arin voiced her concern about the lot with the house and all the junk and trash in the yard. We set a time for a joint working meeting with the Planning Board for next Wednesday, August 3rd at 7PM, Nan will contact PB members and set it up, then confirm with CC.


2.5   Reprint Trail Maps – Nan had spoken with Michelle about how people come into the town office looking for a trail map. Nan suggested  we reprint our trail map and Michelle said she would sell them for us. Jed made a motion to reprint a run of the maps. Carol seconded, all voted in favor. Jed said he will front the money for printing costs and he will get it done. Tom showed us a brochure for the Montfort hiking trails and said they are open to the public for hiking. You can park at the gate and walk in on the drive way, the trail starts after the statue. He also mentioned the Seventh Day Adventist trail, which is also a nice hike. Nan will send Tom a copy of our map to see if he has any additions for it before printing.


2.6   Transfer station sign -  Ed sent the latest version of the sign to Nan and we discussed it. Ken feels that Kilowatt hours is not important and doesn't mean anything to people. He also feels that showing tonnage of recycling doesn't matter either. He wants the focus to be on tax savings. Everyone else disagreed about the kilowatt hours and tonnage and the suggestion was made to just add a time frame for the recycling side. Nan will let Ed know what we decided. Jed asked for a motion to pay for 1/3rd of the cost of the sign, which is $650. Sandy made a motion to spend up to $220 for the sign, Tom seconded, all voted in favor.



3.0   What's Happening in Nature?

Carol just saw a small bear running across Mill Street.

Sandy saw a bear on Bradford Road and thought it might be the same bear that swam across Lynn Cook's pond. She also recently saw the largest moose she had ever seen on Rt. 31 north near Pillsbury Park, she said it was gigantic!

Jed and Nan have seen a large moose in the swampy area on the left hand side at the bottom of the hill on Rt. 31 going out of town (toward Hillsboro), it was munching on plants in the wetland.

Sandy was talking to Ed about how much wildlife there is around. Tom thinks that all the logging that's going on in remote parts of town, driving the wildlife closer to people. Ken said that Richard Crane says there is so much more wildlife around today than there was years ago. Carol said that Jim Gaskell told her there were a lot more amphibians around the Windsor line area years ago and they would see them crossing Rt. 31.

Johanna has been seeing los of trout and sunfish hanging out in Millen Pond (she sees them while she is doing her swim).

Arin and Jed have both seen snakes. Carol asked if anyone had seen a Smooth Green Snake. She said her parents have on in their field and see it from time to time. If you see one you should report it to Fish and Game.

Jed said they have many less bats around but have Big Brown Bats in their barn where they used to have Little Brown Bats. There are fewer Little Brown Bats around due to White nose syndrome.

Johanna said she has had a Northern Water Thrush fly by her near her wetland and has seen a muskrat.

Arin saw a nighthawk flying near her house. We also have a report of nighthawks near Eccardt Farm to check out.

Ken played us his recording of the whippoorwill. We weren't sure it was one, but Carol said it could also sound like a winter wren.

Johanna saw a tiny frog, maybe a wood frog or a spring peeper.

Arin is tracking a new hognose snake and a wood turtle in Pembroke.

With all the recent wildlife sightings in Washington this month we thought we would share some pictures and video from people around town, click here to see some local nature sightings: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


4.0   Other Business:


4.1   Ken mentioned a local summer resident, Carolyn Mugar, who is very involved with Farm Aid and a reforestation project in Armenia. She could be a help to us in our conservation projects. He said her late husband was very involved with solar power and wrote a book about it called "Who Owns the Sun?".


4.2   Johanna is planning to swim the length of  Millen Pond later in August to raise awareness about water quality issues. She is planning on August 27th at 9 or 10 AM. She said she will take sponsorships for contributions to the Conservation Fund. She will ask Michelle to put it in the did you know section of the Selectmen's minutes.


5.0   New Business: None


6.0   Correspondence:

               DES Wetland Permit  approval for Feeney, TM 11-48, 648 Millen Pond Road.

               DES Shoreland Permit approval for Zern, TM 10-18, 959 Ashuelot Drive.

                     UNH Coverts project, brochure and  application form for fall training workshop.

                     North Country Resource Conservation & Development – brochure for Community Roadmap to Renewable Woody Biomass Energy.


6.0   Adjourned at 8:40 PM, our next scheduled meeting is August 17th at 7 PM in the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
