Washington Conservation Commission
Ð July 20, 2022
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Meeting at Town Hall.
Members present: Arin
Mills, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz
Visitors: None
of Minutes: June minutes approved as written.
Permits Committee Ð
New: Lundquist, TM 11-43, Shoreland permit, Foundation
for barn, more information requested.
TM 14-184, Wetland/Dredge and Fill,12x20 deck along frontage of Ashuelot Pond, approved
Previous: Habashian, TM 24-64, 18 Lookout Point, Expedited
wetlands permit, accepted and approved.
Stubbs, TM 20-182, Beaver Brook Road, Expedited
Wetlands Permit application, approved
Voisine, TM 24-108-1, 126 Cove
Rd, PBN for dock anchoring pad, restoration amended plan approved.
Barkie, TM 25-116, 1681 Valley
Road, reported violation, construction of 2 garages and altered an
existing structure in protected shoreline.
Letter of Deficiency received.
TM 24-58, 46 Lookout Point Road, installation of dock without a permit.
*Colette - Complaint of
violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone, no follow up yet
Longval Ð no news
* these are complaints
with no follow up by DES, we are waiting for more information.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports -
3.1 Land Protection Committee Ð Jed met with the Millen Lake
Association at their annual meeting and discussed the proposed conservation
easement for the CM Town Forest. They are very supportive of the proposal. At
the end of June Jed and Arin met with the BOS, Brian Hotz
and Stacie from SPNHF and several Millen Lake Association people. Brian Hotz was there to fill in the blanks on conservation
easements for the BoS and talked about other towns where
they hold easements. The BoS is not supportive of the
proposed project and think the property can be protected in some other way or
that the town can hold the easement themselves, though they canÕt legally. We
are discussing several other properties for possible conservation easements.
3.2 Energy Committee ÐAndrew is
working with the School Board and is looking for some potential incentives for
getting weatherization and energy projects done. Shakes to Shingles came in and
did a blower test which the building failed.
3.3 Planning Board Ð No news.
3.4 Forestry Committee ÐAnita
Blakeman took a walk on the property and made comments
about it. Jed will send Arin a copy of her comments which he received from Deb.
Legislative update Ð No news. Arin said that the wetland rules are being
reorganized and we should keep an eye on DESÕs progress.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops Ð
4.1 We will do a hike in late
September/early October on the Camp Morgan property for the public. We will
talk about this more next month. Jed says he has some pictures of the town
forest from both the water and the trails he can share.
4.2 Arin will contact SCCD about a
school activity.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup ÐWe will schedule
our second trash pickup for August.
5.2 ARLAC Ð Nan made a motion to donate
$125 to ARLAC for their summer water testing program, Jed seconded the motion
and all voted in favor. Arin filled out the request form for Cindy to pay this
and left it on her desk.
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet Ð Nan and Arin will continue
working on this.
6.2 Facebook Page Ð Arin said she is
continuing to post items when she can. To check out the CCÕs Facebook page go
here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.3 Master
Plan goals for 2022 Ð This is a placeholder.
6.4 East Washington Town Forest Ð We
arenÕt sure if the borings have been done yet or what was found.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
commented that we are having a heatwave but we have had consistent rain so it
is not overly dry. The state is in a drought though. We have noticed the water
levels in the lakes and wetlands are a bit low. Jed said the Mill Pond is murky
and down a few inches. The gardens are growing well without needing watering.
said that the Spongy Moth damage hasnÕt had too much impact on the trees
because they are already regenerating their leaves.
said she is seeing some tent caterpillars around but they arenÕt too bad this
said he is having a great raspberry crop this year and now the blueberries are
starting to ripen.
said he saw a big brown bat in his yard recently. Arin said she has some in her
yard too.
said we have heard coyotes howling at night lately.
said that his Bluebirds are raising multiple batches of baby birds this year.
The Barn Swallows are also.
said he is seeing tons of honey bees and other pollinators this year. He and
Arin both saw a monarch butterfly recently.
learn more about heatwaves, click here: NewinNature.html
Correspondence: None
9.0 Adjourned at 7:58 PM, the next
meeting is Wednesday, August 17th at 7PM, at Town Hall.
Schwartz, Secretary