Minutes- August 1, 2002



1.0  Assembly:  Time  7:00 p.m.

1.1  Present:  Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Peter France, John Tweedy, Marv Jager, Don Richard, Rich Cook, Lionel Chute.


2.0  Approval of Minutes:  John moved that we approve the minutes as printed.  Second by Peter.  Motion passed.


3.0  Old Business: 

3.1  Dredge and Fill Committee:  no activity.

3.2  OHRV laws:  In response to an e-mail from a concerned person, John spent a considerable amount of time researching the NH laws that pertain to Off Highway Recreational Vehicles.  John spoke with Sgt. Bonifant of Fish and Game.  He states that ATVÕs can not legally use class VI roads unless the town has authorized such use. There was much discussion on the subject of ATV use in Washington.  Sandy will speak with a Selectman to inquire about a map from the OHRV club.

3.3   It was the general feeling of the group that the Adopt a Highway sign should simply read ÒConservation Commission.Ó  We are limited to two lines (18 characters per line).

3.4   The wetlands complaint on parcel  #12-142 (Island Pond) has been evaluated by DES.  No violations were found.


4.0  Natural Resource Inventory:

4.1   Lionel stated that Bill Nichols (botanist) is going to come to Washington to look at wetlands.  He will be looking for rare and endangered species.  We should definitely take advantage of the opportunity to have some of the finest botanists in the state come and look at Washington.  Please e-mail Lionel with locations of exemplary wetlands.  The Bishops Pond area in East Washington is a possibility.  Sandy and Peter will try to get permission from the landowner.  John will find the landowner of a particular parcel on the Ashuelot River.


5.0 New Business:

5.1   Lionel stated that a new sedge species has been discovered in NH- Carex hitchcockiana.  It was found at Pawtuckaway State Park at the site of an old volcano.

5.2   Mike and Carol gain new Insight.  Ok, itÕs a used Honda Insight.  If anyone wants more information on this 2-seater gas/electric car that gets 68 mpg, please contact the Andrews.  Don, Rich, and John all checked out the car after the meeting.


6.0 Correspondence:   DES Environmental News

                                U Mass Extension 2002 ÒGreen SchoolÓ


7.0   Adjournment:  8:20 p.m.                   


7.1  Next Meeting Date:  September 5, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall


Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews, Secretary