Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – September 16, 2009


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz, Arin Mills and Sandy Robinson


1.0    Approval of Minutes: Minutes from August, Sandy made a motion to approve both, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0        Old Business:

2.1   Permits –

        DES sent a copy of Erin Darrow's further comments on the town project for slip-lining the Island Pond outlet culvert on Washington Drive.

2.2   Land Conservation - We discussed the conservation land purchase that the CC and town just successfully closed on. The Langevin lot, Map 7- lot 10, is now conservation land owned by the town.

Carol suggested that in order to work on these conservation projects efficiently, we need a committee of several people to work together on them. We discussed what this committee would do. Sandy asked if we needed a mission statement for the committee. We felt a committee could review projects within the priority areas by looking at maps, hold strategy session on what projects are possibilities and what are starting up and keep things moving along when a project gets rolling. They would work with landowners, after contact, on project development and implementation. This would help with protecting the identity of people we are talking to and working with, it is important to keep things private until the landowner is ready to go public with their project. The committee would advise and recommend to the full commission but would not expend any funds.

        Sandy made a motion to create a "Committee for Land Protection" with the parameters we discussed. Arin seconded the motion and all voted in favor. The committee will report back to the Commission on any progress. We discussed how many members should be on the committee and it was decided to start with four. Sandy, Jed, Nan and Carol volunteered to sit on the committee. The committee will meet soon and will decide if they want to designate a chair.

        Carol reported that Janice Philbrick had spoken to her about whether we had money in the conservation fund to help pay off the note on the Wild Pond easement (around 400 acres in Washington and Stoddard) that is coming due. Carol explained to Janice that legally easements that are already done are not things we are allowed to spend money on.

2.3   Planning Board Update – Nan reported that the PB is about to meet with the Meeting House Committee. Sandy felt that there might still be some question in some people's minds about keeping the town offices in the Town Hall. Carol felt an online and paper survey might help clear up the issue. She felt the Planning Board still needs to hold a town wide meeting to discuss the issues. Nan said the Meeting House Committee is hoping to apply for an LCHP grant for planning on the Town Hall restoration project in mid October.

2.4   Energy Committee – Carol reported that the Energy Committee is speaking to Bruss Construction about doing an energy audit on all the town buildings. The Selectmen will be meeting with Bruss next week to get an estimate for doing the audit.

Melissa Cole has joined the Energy Committee as a member.

2.5   Forestry Committee – We discussed the need to speak to the Forest Committee about protecting the town forests with easements.


3.0   What's Happening in Nature?

Carol lost of her two chickens to what she thinks was a weasel. This happened to her last year also.

Sandy reported she lost most of her sweet corn to a skunk and she saw a mink. She also had a "40 pound" (very large) porcupine up in her apple tree doing lots of damage. Peter captured it and took it off to another location for her.

Sandy talked about moving animals off the road and out of danger using a blanket she had in her car. It worked for a baby porcupine by picking it up in the blanket and carrying it to safety and also for moving a turtle by getting behind it and holding it up like a wall behind the turtle and encouraging it to move out of the road.

Arin reported that a friend of hers accidentally found about 40 snapping turtle eggs while on location for a power company. The friend took the eggs home to keep them safe and they are now hatching. She wondered what they should be fed and what they should do with the hatchlings. Carol said they have all they need to eat for the first few days from their egg sack and that they should be returned to the place they came from on a warmish day.

Nan mentioned that the swamp maples are turning red and moving fast toward peak color. For more information about these early turning, colorful trees go here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


4.0   New Business:

4.1   Our scheduled trash pick up on our Adopt-a-Highway route was rained out for August so don't forget the next date. Saturday, October 17th, meet at the Library parking lot at 9AM.

4.2   Mrs. Lull's class at Washington Elementary School is looking for Monarch Butterfly pupae (chrysalis) to hatch in the classroom. If you know the whereabouts of any give her a call at 495-3463.


5.0   Correspondence:

             Copy of Selectmen's authorization letter for purchase of the Langevin property on Twin Bridge Road

Upton & Hatfield (cc) to Board of Selectmen regarding the Langevin land purchase. The letter references two documents sent to the Board.

Upton & Hatfield (cc) to the register of deeds. The letter references a warranty deed and $16.44 in recording fees and return postage.

Upton & Hatfield (cc) to Mark Langevin, trustee of the Squam Lake "63" Revocable Trust. The letter references a $250 check sent to Mr. Langevin. It also references a missing signature on the Certificate of Non-Foreign Status.

            Copy of the Purchase and Sales Agreement

            Copy of the Warranty Deed for Map 7, Lot 10.

            Conservation Commission account balance statement from Lynda Roy

Copy of a response for more information submitted to NHDES for the Washington Drive culvert improvements File # 2009-00818. DES is considering the outflow stream from Island Pond to be a permanent, rather than an intermittent, stream and this requires



6.0   Adjourned at 9:00 PM, our next scheduled meeting is October 21st at 7 PM in the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
