Washington Conservation Commission
Ð September 21, 2022
Assembly time: 7:00 PM, Meeting at Town Hall.
Members present: Arin
Mills, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz
Visitors: Tim Ferwerda
of Minutes: August minutes approved as written.
Permits Committee Ð
New: Horton, TM 11-42, Standard
Dredge and Fill, minor impact, under review.
Black, TM 15-89, 1021 Millen
Pond Rd., Shoreland Permit for razing existing structure and replacing,
new septic, under review
Previous: Max,
TM 12-91, Shoreland PBN, accepted.
Lundquist, TM 11-43, Shoreland
permit, Foundation for barn, driveway,slab and septic,
Calabro, TM 14-184,
Wetland/Dredge and Fill,12x20 deck along frontage of Ashuelot Pond, approved
Habashian, TM 24-64, 18 Lookout
Point, Expedited wetlands permit, accepted and approved.
Stubbs, TM 20-182, Beaver Brook Road, Expedited
Wetlands Permit application, approved
Voisine, TM 24-108-1, 126 Cove Rd, PBN for dock
anchoring pad, restoration amended plan approved.
TM 25-116, 1681 Valley Road, reported violation, construction of 2 garages and
altered an
existing structure in protected shoreline.
Letter of Deficiency received.
TM 24-58, 46 Lookout Point Road, installation of dock without a permit.
*Colette - Complaint of
violations, TM 12-69, over clearing of waterfront zone, no follow up yet
Longval Ð no news
* these are complaints
with no follow up by DES, we are waiting for more information.
3.0 Committee
and Board reports -
3.1 Land Protection Committee Ð We discussed where we are on
the Camp Morgan conservation easement planning. Jed spoke with Brian Hotz who
is speaking with his board about moving forward. Arin will set up another
meeting with the BoS to discuss.
3.2 Energy Committee ÐAndrew Hatch is
working with the School Board and is looking for some potential grants and
budgeting to get the projects done. Andrew is helping them to look at replacing
lighting with energy efficient fixtures or bulbs, also and what grants or
rebates are available.
3.3 Planning Board Ð Nan presented the
CIP request form from the Planning Board. We decided that we donÕt have any
requests meeting the guidelines. Nan will return it to the PB. She will bring
up the driveway issue concerning driveways permitted on state roads by DOT to
the board at their next meeting.
3.4 Forestry Committee ÐWe
received AnitaÕs comments on a potential cut on CMTF. She is supposed to write
a report but the BoS hasnÕt received it yet. Arin urged the BoS to ask Anita
about the report and share it with us as soon as it comes in. We will also
share the report with the Forestry Committee members when it is available so
that any decisions that need to be made are made with them.
Legislative update Ð No news.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops Ð
4.1 We will do a hike on October 9th,
Sunday, at 1PM, on the Camp Morgan property for the public. We will meet at the
beach and walk the waterfront trail out to chapel cove and back which is about
1 mile. Arin made a flyer, which we will put up around town and send out
through the town website.
4.2 Arin talked with Kelli at the
elementary school and the October 24th date will work for the
school. Kelli is letting Dawn (SCCD) know and will make the arrangements. Dawn
wants to do Nature Journaling with the kids and we will help.
5.0 New Business:
5.1 Tim Ferwerda came to meet with us and
presented a plan for driveway requiring a Wetland permit, for Cordeiro, TM 12-201,
on South Main Street. Tim shared his application and plan with us for 2 wetland
crossings for a driveway on the property. The driveway is to access for a
single family home site at the top of the lot. The driveway will be 7-800 feet
long with a 13% grade up the hill to the site. Arin asked about the riverine
area that he is crossing. He said that he put the crossing where there was an
old crossing and it is at the narrowest section of the wetland. He had a 2-foot
culvert on the plan. Arin stated that this is an important wetland for the town
and the property is adjacent to conservation land and a very large wetland
complex. This crossing is also important for wildlife moving through the
wetland. She asked if the culvert could be open on the bottom. Tim suggested
up-sizing the culvert to 3 feet and burying a foot of it. He will speak with
his client about doing this. There is a total of about 1600 sf of wetland
impact with both crossings. We felt that the upper crossing was sized properly
as it is an equalizer and not a stream crossing. Nan told Tim that there is an
issue with the grade of the driveway and the Town requires a maximum grade of
12%, she also let him know that a driveway over 500 feet in length needs a
turnout for emergency vehicles. Tim will contact Arin when he has a revised
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup ÐWe
had to reschedule our trash pick up so Arin will pick a day and let us know
when it is. She has two High School students needing community service hours
that will help with the pickup.
6.2 JeftÕs Road issue
ÐGwyndaf Jones and a colleague met with the Select Board on Thursday morning
and unfortunately none of us could attend the meeting. Arin went to the evening
BoS meeting for a report on what happened at the meeting. The BoS said that the
concern is that the culvert under JeftÕs Road is draining the Andorra Forest
land too quickly and that the culvert is too low. The town says that there was
a wooden span (snowmobile bridge) originally and the culvert was put in for a
logger. The town decided to keep the culvert and has added rip-rap across the
culvert and is maintaining this section of the Class VI road.
6.3 Trails and Recreation Guide Booklet Ð Nan and Arin will continue
working on this.
6.3 Facebook Page Ð Arin said she is
continuing to post items when she can. To check out the CCÕs Facebook page go
here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2173271309586226/
6.4 Master
Plan goals for 2022 Ð This is a placeholder.
6.5 East Washington Town Forest Ð Jed
spoke with Ed who said that they didnÕt find the gravel that they were looking
for but there is sand. They are exploring how much sand is there and what it
would take to excavate it. Meridian will produce another report on this for
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
said they have a pair of Flickers hanging around. Arin wondered why we only see
them this time of year.
had a Red Tailed Hawk hanging around the farm. He saw it catch a large mouse
and fly off with it.
said they had a good crop of Hazelnuts coming along and suddenly they were
gone; a squirrel took them all. Jed said all of his flint corn was eaten on the
stalk (except 4 ears) by squirrels. They are plentiful and voracious this year!
said the summer weather has continued and Jed said we have not had a frost yet
so the growing season continues. Nan said today was the last day of summer and
the autumnal equinox is tomorrow.
said the bears are out and around again.
said that the Northern Long-eared Bat is being upgraded to endangered soon.
has a lone Canada Goose swimming around in the Mill Pond. He thinks its wing
might be hurt so it didnÕt fly away with the others. He is hanging with a pair
of ducks.
have been lots of deer spotted with young ones.
said the Monarch caterpillars have completely stripped her milkweed plants down
to the stalk.
has Staghorn Sumac growing in her yard and she just noticed they are covered
with galls. She saw a red squirrel eating the galls. To learn more about what a
gall is, click here: NewinNature.html
8.1 Copy
of Wetlands permit for Horton, TM 11-42, Standard Dredge and Fill, minor impact
9.0 Adjourned at 9:15 PM, the next
meeting is Wednesday, October19th at 7PM, at Town Hall.
Schwartz, Secretary