Washington Conservation Commission
Special Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2012
Members present: Jed Schwartz, Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Don Richard, Ken Eastman and Nan Schwartz
Public present: None
At 6:30 PM, Jed Schwartz called the meeting to order.
Jed spoke about a couple of restricted donations that we received for the Farnsworth Hill Forest project and were deposited in the conservation fund. These funds need to go to the Forest Society for the project.
Sandy made a motion to approve sending the restricted donations to the Forest Society for the Farnsworth Hill Forest project. Don seconded to motion and all voted in favor. Nan will write Lynda Roy a note citing our vote and instruct her to send the funds to SPNHF.
We then had a discussion about taking a vote to spend funds to pay for people, who couldn’t otherwise afford to pay, allowing them to attend either the NHACC Annual meeting and conference or the “Saving Special Places” conference, subject to the availability of funds. Everyone was supportive and feels that this sort of education is valuable.
Carol recused herself from the vote because of her involvement as chair of the NHACC.
Sandy made a motion to use our conservation funds to pay conference fees for people who couldn’t otherwise afford to attend, either previously mentioned conference this year or in the future, subject to the availability of funds. Don seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
There being no other business to take care of this evening, the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz
Conservation Commission Secretary