Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – October 17, 2008


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz, Johanna Young, Don Richard, Rich Cook, Arin Mills

Guests: None


1.0    Approval of Minutes: Minutes from September 17th, Jed made a motion to approve, Johanna seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0        Old Business:

2.1   Dredge and Fill Committee – A letter was sent to DES about the Washington Lake Association mooring project. Carol sent a copy to Dick Bulman.

        DES sent notice that our notes on the Gullage application on Highland Lake were received, also.

        DES sent a notice that they were looking for more information on the East Washington drainage project and were asking for alternatives, a planting Guide and other things.

        Rich reported that the Selectmen received notice that they were concerned with the property on Nuthatch Way that we had looked at earlier this year and were imposing a large fine on the owners.

2.2   Town Meeting 2009 – We received a letter from the NHACC and Forest Society about 2 new warrant articles for Town Meeting. The first concerns giving Conservation Commissions the ability to give money to a land trust to conserve land without having to hold a legal interest in the property. The second to authorizes the conservation commission to expend funds to purchase interests in land outside the boundaries of our municipality, subject to the approval of the local governing body. We hope the Selectmen will support putting these articles on the warrant.

2.3   Old Home Day – We are talking about doing a display for Old Home Day with the Energy Committee. They want to focus on old houses and how people used to do things or perhaps the history of the use of hydro power in Washington. Johanna will talk to Jane Thayer. Arin suggested that Johanna contact PSNH and NH Electric Coop (educational divisions) about getting printed handouts and bulbs or whatever they might have for give aways. We might try to do a trail map of all the hiking trails in town and a conservation display. We will try to write a grant to the NE Grassroots Organization for the January 15th or April 15th deadline.

Johanna also said she had talked to head teacher Suzanne Lull at the elementary school about working with the 5 graders to do back yard natural resource inventories. We could maybe make them a guide with a checklist to help get them started. Mrs. Lull said she would see how she could work it into the curriculum; maybe springtime would be a possibility.

Don asked if the Chestnut Foundation could also do a display, he will contact them about doing something or providing him with materials.


3.0   New Business: None


4.0   WhatÕs Happening in Nature?

Johanna had three hooded mergansers in her pond recently, they stayed for a few hours to eat fish. Arin also spotted a merganser on Millen Pond this summer but it wasn't the hooded type.

Johanna reported seeing a mink crossing Route 202 and Carol saw a small bear crossing Halfmoon Pond Road. Jed reported that a neighbor spotted an albino skunk in East Washington.

Carol found a big Hen-of-the-Woods mushroom recently but it was too mature to eat when she found it. They are an edible mushroom that usually grow near the base of oak trees and stumps but can also be found near maples or other trees. She said that where they are found can affect their taste and edibility. For more information about the Hen of the Woods mushroom click here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


5.0   Other Business:

5.1   Highway cleanup day – We booked our last trash pick up day for October 18th, Saturday, we will meet at 9 AM at the Library parking lot. Nan will send out an email to all members and invite everyone to join us then.     

5.2     Rich said the Selectmen are dealing with the winter salt use issue again. People feel that the road crew uses either too much or too little. People have gotten used to driving on black (clear) roads all winter long which is difficult to maintain without using a lot of salt.

         He also reported that there has been a rash of building without a permit around town.

       Carol mentioned the NHACC Annual meeting taking place on November 1st in Concord. She hopes that all members will sign up and attend. There are many interesting speakers and field trips on the agenda.


6.0   Correspondence:

         Forest Notes

              Letter re: SB 381 from NHACC and Center for Land Conservation Assistance

              Fox Forest newsletter

              DES letter stating that they've received our intent to comment on permit #2008-01819

              DES letter stating that they've received our intent to comment on permit #2008-01753

              DES letter stating that they've received our comment letter regarding permit #2008-01753

              DES Wetlands Bureau Request for more information File #2008-01905

              DES cc about Girard Limited Partnership's shoreland application #2008-01928

              Washington Selectmen's office call for town report

              Watershed conference announcement Nov. 15, 7:00 to 3:00

              Student Conservation Association re: trail work and interns

              NHACC Annual Meeting Announcement


7.0   Adjourned at 7:55 PM, our next scheduled meeting is November 19th at 7 PM at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
