Washington Conservation Commission
– November 17, 2010
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Present: Carol Andrews, Arin Mills, Sandy Robinson, Johanna Young, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz,
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Minutes from September, Sandy made a motion to approve, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.
2.0 Old Business:
2.1 Permits Committee – There were no new permits to discuss.
2.2 Land Protection Committee –
Carol gave an update on the Eccardt Farm conservation easement project. We are
waiting for official word on the LCHIP grant application but feel that things
are looking promising. Sandy got the surveyor any existing survey maps for the
property and abutting properties. He will begin working mid-week. Sandy thinks
we need to vote to accept all the donations we have received so she made a
motion to this effect, Arin seconded it and all voted in favor. Nan mentioned
that we scheduled a public hearing for November 29th at 7PM to discuss the Conservation Commission's use of up to $40,000 from the Conservation Fund for the Eccardt Farm project.
People can still make a
pledge online by sending us an email: wcc@washingtonnh.org or drop a donation in a donation box either at the Farm Store or in the Town Hall on Michelle's desk in the Selectmen's office or send us a check to "Washington Conservation Commission" at 7 Halfmoon Pond Road, Washington, NH 03280 (put Eccardt Farm in the memo line).
Nan updated the project's web pages: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/EccardtFarm.html,
and http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/EccardtFarmOHRaffle.html.
2.3 Cell Tower Jed, Sandy, and Nan went out to take a look at the lot. Arin was out of town that day but ran an NHB data check on the lot, which didn't turn up any records of rare plants, etc. The group walked the small lot and observed a small area of wetland in the rear of the lot, these would require mapping. There were the remains of a cabin toward the front of the lot but not much else that was remarkable. Jed spoke with an abutter to the property. Nan said that the Planning Board had put out an RFP for a cell tower consultant and PB was meeting to look over proposals on Friday afternoon. Arin was trying to do a view-shed simulation but was having trouble with the fact that the data was on the corner of several DEM maps. She is going to ask people for a work around. Carol suggested trying to do it in google earth.
2.4 Energy Committee Johanna said the Energy Committee's "Button Up" presentation at Camp Morgan Lodge was well attended. There were two people who did the talk and they were professional energy auditors. They talked about practical things you can do yourself to weatherize and things that need to be done professionally. There were also several venders in attendance (Solar Source, John Cilley, a wood stove hood manufacturer, and a woman from Zip System-Advantech) and also a lot of printed materials with great information. She said there is a DVD available if you missed the presentation.
Johanna reported that the
solar project for the Highway Garage is in process. They had a setback when the
grantor rejected the Australian power inverter they wanted to use because they
require US made components, so a US made inverter had to be found. They ended
up having to use three inverters instead of the one but luckily they are still
on budget. Someone from the library contacted Johanna and would like to use
some of the funds to do an energy audit on the library building.
3.0 What's Happening in Nature?
Johanna said she heard frogs
croaking in her pond and thought they might be wood frogs. She thought it was
unusual at this time of year.
Jed saw a frog jump off a rock
in his small pond recently.
and Sandy also said they had seen frogs crossing the road one rainy night.
and Jed have had two pairs of cardinals at the bird feeder along with lots of
gold finches, woodpeckers, chickadees, evening grosbeaks and lots of blue jays.
is still seeing her blue birds around, which is quite unusual this time of
Click here to learn about the effects of climate change, and how it is affecting our local weather and wildlife: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html
Johanna said their pond is very full this fall and they may have to put a bridge in to replace their culvert. Jed mentioned that Ed is concerned about the fact that we have a bunch of bridges around town on the state's red list. Ed is speaking with the Selectmen and PB about this and is looking for public support for a plan to replace the bridges.
Don't forget that it is hunting season, if you are out walking wear blaze orange so you will be seen!
4.0 New Business: Carol is working on
our Conservation Commission report for 2010, to be included in the Town Report.
Everyone can have input by letting her know his or her ideas to be included.
mentioned that Ken let her know that Yurik Hurd had passed away. He was a
longtime member of the Lempster Conservation Commission and a very interesting
5.0 Correspondence:
Wetlands permit for Smith file # 2010-00991
request for more information Town of Washington Standard Dredge and Fill, E.
Washington Road and Washington Drive file # 2010-01820
Notice of Administrative Completeness Libby file # 2010-02832
Notice of Administrative Completeness Pollack file # 2010-02444
made to the Washington Hazard Mitigation Plan's contact list, volunteer
profiles and resources.
6.0 Adjourned at 7:35 PM, our next
scheduled meeting is December 15th at 7 PM in the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz