Washington Conservation Commission
– November 18, 2015
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Members present: Arin Mills, Doug
Cook, Jed Schwartz, Tom Taylor and Nan Schwartz.
Visitors: None
1.0 Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes from our October
meeting, Arin suggested adding Millen Pond to the New in Nature section where
we talked about the draw down. Nan will make the addition. Tom motioned to
approve the minutes, Doug seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
2.0 Permits Committee - No new permits
3.0 Committee
and Board reports:
3.1 Land
Protection Committee - Jed
reported he contacted the attorney and will reach out to Karen Bartlett to see
where she is in the probate process. The Colby project, on Old Marlow Road, is being
handled by the Forest Society and may close in November. Jed signed a Purchase
and Sales agreement with Lionel and Aileen for the Chute property. We have
scheduled a public hearing to expend the funds to buy the property on December
2nd at 6:30PM at Town Hall. The Colby project is moving along and
they should be closing soon.
3.2 Energy Committee – Johanna was
not in attendance but she shared the minutes from the last EC meeting. Nan
reported that the minutes said that Andrew was attending a weatherization
project, taking place in Newport last week. Johanna wants to contact COVER to
learn how they involve youth in their projects. The infrared camera is charged
and they are ready to learn about its use. Ed Thayer has contacted Eversource to do an audit of the Town Garage and Andrew
wants to get one done for Camp Morgan Lodge. Nan commented that an audit was
done previously on CML, she will ask Andrew if he
needs copies of the reports that were done.
3.3 Planning
Board – Nan said that the Planning Board held an ÒAll BoardsÓ meeting along
with the Selectmen on November 12th at 2PM at Camp Morgan. She
passed out Master Plan copies to those that hadnÕt already received them. We
will read through the documents and Nan will send the stakeholder document to
everyone so they can take a look at it. We will talk about what goals and
recommendations we want to work on in January.
3.4 Forestry
Committee – Tom reported that they are taking the money they have on hand
($1500) and making it available for the road upgrade to do the cut on the
Farnsworth Hill Town Forest. He had asked CC to give $1000 out of our
Conservation Fund to help do the road but we didnÕt feel it was a proper use of
the fund. They are considering a warrant article to get the funds to do it.
They had hoped to get it done this year but it will have to wait now. They are
considering asking for the money to upgrade the road to Class VI all the way to
Ashuelot for disaster use. Jed asked about access to
LAE to haul the logs out and Tom said that wonÕt
happen. Jed asked about AnitaÕs forestry plan, Tom said she has done one for
Farnsworth Hill Town Forest. He said she is being paid by getting money from
the cut. Nan mentioned that she saw Jim Beard from Lempster
at the NHACC conference and told him to keep us in mind concerning trails. Tom
said that Sue Lichty has been trying to get in touch
with him, probably about about the trail issue. Nan
said that Jim said they were working with someone to plan their trails. Jed
said Q2C may have funds for planning and he will get in touch with the Lempster CC to set up a meeting.
3.5 Legislative update - No news.
4.0 Public Presentations and workshops:
Annual Meeting – Nan and Arin attended the NHACC annual meeting and spoke
briefly about the workshops they attended. They both felt it was very
worthwhile and learned a lot. Arin attended a session about the new Wildlife
Action Plan maps, they redid the data and tiering on
the maps and they also have 169 species profiles for species of greatest
conservation need available online. We will go online and look at the new maps
and information, now available on GRANIT View. She said they considered rare
habitats (which we have some in Washington) and the species found
in these habitats. She went to the ÒRoadsÓ workshop, which mentioned the new
version of the book ÒA Hard Road to TravelÓ, a book about road laws in NH. She
attended a session on Town Forests, Forestry Committees and protecting Town
Forests. Tom mentioned they have a Forestry Reserve Fund that they have to go
to Town Meeting to expend funds from.
briefly mentioned the sessions she went to on Permaculture, grants available
for conservation projects and community engagement and outreach for supporting
land conservation.
4.2 Tracking
Invasive Plants project – Arin reported that she has a link for our
invasive plants map. She is going to scan the reports and make links to
clickable dots on the map to see the forms and pictures. She is hoping to do an
editable layer so people who are reporting can put points directly on the map.
Arin will send pdfs of our reports to Nan and she
will post them and the pictures and send Arin the links to incorporate into her
map. Everyone should keep documenting any plants they find. The reporting
sheets and guides are always available here: InvasiveProject.html
4.3 School
Presentation – We discussed doing our tracking workshop at school in
February. Arin said she could get the pelts again from Fish and Game. She will
coordinate with the school to set a date just before vacation. Doug said he
looked at the state science standards but couldnÕt find the curriculum online.
Arin said she thinks they are following Common Core and Shane is studying life
cycles right now. Doug said he has done soil testing (cores) and mapping with
older school kids. Nan thought that might be something we could do later in the
spring. Arin will check with the teachers about their curriculum and see how we
can fit into it.
5.0 New Business: None
6.0 Other Business:
6.1 Natural Resource Inventory Map
updates – Arin and Nan will stay tonight after the meeting and work on the list.
Nan will speak with the Selectmen about whether we can hold over the money into
next year or if we need to get it under contract before the townÕs fiscal year
end (December 31st). Arin asked about breaking out the tasks and
putting a cost on them. We will come up with a list of the maps we really need.
Arin mentioned the new WAP data and asked Nan to send her the tax map data.
6.2 Barker
easement – No new news.
6.3 School
forest issue - Arin spoke briefly about the school issue with the forest behind
the playground. She took the map from the Forest Management plan and
superimposed it over a satellite map of the school and lodge area. The school
would like to get their back property line marked so they know where they need
to clean up to, so the kids can play safely in the woods behind the school. Tom
is worried about trees beyond their line coming down onto the property where
kids are playing.
7.0 WhatÕs Happening in Nature?
said that it has gotten cold and there was ice on the center pond.
said he has been watching several bald eagles near his place on Ashuelot. He said there are adults and a young one this
year. They are hanging out across near the Ashuelot
River, where there is a large beaver bog. He has seen some really large black
birds, possibly ravens.
learned of Fish Crows, which are small crows that hang out near water bodies
and have a different call than regular crows.
reported very few deer in Washington this year, he
thinks they have all headed south. Arin said that she has seen a few in Ashuelot ,
which is a safe zone because they canÕt be hunted there.
saw an otter in center pond fishing and playing on the thin ice.
put out her bird feeder and Phil saw red polls feeding already, she thinks it
is really early for them. She has seen tufted titmice in a flock. Nan said she
saw some juncos.
saw a large flock of birds that when flying resembled blowing leaves. Nan
thought maybe they were starlings.
reported he still has lettuce growing in the garden and great fall spinach and kale.Doug mentioned that there is
a really strong El Nino this year and it may make the northeast weather warmer
this winter. California should see lots of rain and snow, which they are
desperate for.
learn about the El Nino, click here: NewinNature.html
8.0 Correspondence:
Postcard for NHACC
Annual meeting
DES notice of approval
for after the fact request for wetlands impact, TM 25-118, Trepanier
DES notice of Shoreland Impact permit, Beam, 68 Ashuelot
Acres Road, TM 14-409, 505
DES copy of Wetlands
& Shoreland request for time extension for
permit, TM 20-161, Bow Run Terrace, permit # 2010-03141
Fox State Forest
Email from Matt Serge
re: land purchase from Chute.
Letter from Selectmen,
re: they will not pay any lawyers fees for any land transaction costs
9.0 Adjourned
at 8:00 PM, our next scheduled
meeting is December 15th, at 7PM at the Town Hall.
Nan Schwartz, Secretary