Minutes- November 25, 2003


1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.

Present: Carol Andrews, Rich Cook, Tom Taylor, Marv Jager.


2.0 Approval of Minutes: approved as printed


3.0 Old Business:

3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- Tom and Mike visited a site in LAE. Permit was signed. The group discussed whether we should continue to sign Minimum Impact Permits in LAE. The group suggested that perhaps it would be prudent to send a letter of concern to DES suggesting that a comprehensive water plan be developed for the area.

3.2 Planning Board update- Marv reports that the board is working on changes to the Land Use Ordinance. Washington needs a new Master Plan, but there is very little time to work on it.

3.3 Tom reviewed the exotic aquatic plant videotapes. He suggests that we make copies for all the lake associations. The tape ÒExotic Aquatics: NH Lakes Under AttackÓ is the most important one to duplicate. ÒLake HostsÓ is the videotape that describes the grant program. The program funds up to $3,000 per boat ramp for a ÒhostÓ to inform boaters about invasive aquatic weeds.

3.4 Lake Hosts Program- Lionel Chute has volunteered to fill out grant paperwork for this program. 3.5 Carol brought up the idea of having a local foods section on the website. Tom mentioned the South Acworth Village Store. The store was purchased by the town Historical Society with the help of LCHIP. Locals volunteer to run the store, and they sell local products. Carol will research sources of local foods for the website. Local food sources & The Future of Food in New England: report from the citizen panel http://www.sustainableunh.unh.edu/fas/justfoods/Future_of_Food.pdf

3.6 Carol and Ann attended the NH Association of Conservation CommissionÕs Annual Meeting. Carol attended a workshop on NRI given by Rick Van de Poll.


3.7 WhatÕs happening in nature? Weasels are putting on their winter whites. Carol saw a white weasel on the shore of Halfmoon Pond.


If you would like to sign up for Fish and GameÕs Wildlife Journal email list: http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Inside_FandG/join_mail_list.htmhttp://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Inside_FandG/join_mail_list.htm


4.0 Natural Resource Inventory:


5.0 New Business:


6.0 Correspondence: NH Division of Forests and Lands Tree Stewards


7.0   Adjournment: 8:00 p.m.                   


7.1 Next Meeting Date: January 27th at 7:00 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews
