Washington Conservation Commission


November 29, 2010


Conservation Commission Hearing on spending up to $40,000 from the conservation fund for the Eccardt Farm conservation easement project and having the town hold a secondary interest in the easement.


Members present: Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson and Nan Schwartz

Public present: Phil Barker, Kitty West, Kathy West


At 7:00 PM, Carol Andrews called the hearing to order.


Carol Andrews opened the hearing and talked about the expenditure of the conservation fund money and the secondary holding of the easement interest. She explained that the first interest, in the easement, will be held by the Forest Society and an interest is also held by LCHIP. This means several entities will watch over the easement and make sure that things are done according to the agreement. The conservation fund is funded by land use change taxes. When land is taken out of current use there is a penalty charged by the town and this money goes into our conservation fund. She explained that we had applied for and received two grants, one from Quabbin to Cardigan initiative (Q2C) to cover all transaction costs for $26,000 and one from LCHIP for $30,000. We had also held and Open House and raffle at the farm to raise money and did fundraising for the rest.

Phil remarked that someone asked him about the use of tax dollars for this project and he had told them there wasn't any tax money being used for it.

Sandy showed the maps and explained how this parcel connects to thousands of acres of previously conserved land. She said there are other interested land owners in the area that may decided to protect their land because of the success of this project.

Carol asked for questions or comments from the public. Everyone present spoke in favor of the project.


The public hearing was adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz

Conservation Commission Secretary