Washington Conservation Commission
Minutes- January 18, 2006
Assembly time: 7:00 PM.
Present: Carol Andrews, Nan Schwartz, Don Richard
1.0 Approval of Minutes: not enough members present to approve minutes.
2.0 Old Business:
2.1 Dredge and Fill Committee - No activity.
2.2 Natural Resource Inventory proposed contract – Those present looked over the draft contract for the NRI. Carol noted that we added field work to identify sensitive areas, species, and communities. Suggestions for the maps included: outlining shores on base map, verifying wetlands, dating and including funder credits, larger legend, make sure Sunapee Highlands Legacy parcel is included in conservation lands, distinguish private and public owned conservation land, verification of build out land.
2.3 LCHIP needs your help - What will likely be THE
most crucial hearing on LCHIP for the 2006
legislative session is coming before the House Finance Committee on Tuesday,
January 24 at 1 p.m., in Room 210-211 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord.
Call your representative and send letters in favor of LCHIP. The Finance
Committee will be hearing House Bill 1167, which proposesfunding LCHIP with
$2.5 million in the current fiscal year and $5 million in the next from funds
in the budget surplus.
2.4 What’s happening in nature? Rain and big wind, warm then cold, floods, ice and snow, take your pick we have had it all in January. Don saw a hawk flying recently. Carol saw an owl. Don has large ladybug nests in his attic after a big swarm in August.
3.0 New Business: Do we want to change our meeting night? Since the change to Wednesday night fewer members have been able to attend. Carol will send out an email to ask what night might be better for all.
4.0 Correspondence:
Fox State Forest Cottrell-Baldwin Environmental Lecture Series
The Source DES Drinking Water Source Protection Program
Waste Action Collaborative of Sullivan County
Complete Forestry Notification DeCaprio
Complete Forestry Notification Yaglou
DES Land Resource Management Workshop 8:30-3:45 Feb 10 or March 22 at DES 29 Hazen Drive, Concord www.des.nh.gov/Workshop/
Don Damm Ashuelot VLAP data for NRI
UVLSRPC Newsletter
Society for the Protection of NH Forests Forest Notes
Meridian Land Services Inc. Re:File #2005-01215 William Smith,
1244 Faxon Hill Road
5.0 Other Business – None
6.0 Adjournment: 7:45 PM. Next Meeting Date: February 15th at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Schwartz