Minutes- December 5, 2002



1.0  Assembly:  Time  7:00 p.m.

Present:  Carol Andrews, Don Richard, Marv Jager, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz.


2.0  Approval of Minutes:  Marv moved that we approve the minutes as printed.  Second by Nan.  Motion passed.


3.0  Old Business: 

3.1  Dredge and Fill Committee- no activity

3.2   Planning Board update- Marv reported that the Planning Board is in the process of designing a survey to send out to all taxpayers in January.  Some of the questions deal with the management of growth by the town, open space and greenbelts, zoning.  Any suggestions may be sent to Marv Jager.

3.3   Jed, Nan and John Hofstetter have been very busy with the website design.  Thanks for all your good work!  Nan presented the layout to the group.  Suggestions were made:  to have a list of outings that people can do on their own as well as some hikes sponsored by the Conservation Commission, make the sub pages larger for easier viewing of content (especially for trail maps), include research about different wildlife on the web page.  Don will work on some links to different plants mentioned in the Town Forest Management Plan by Lionel Chute.  Carol will work on the first page Òabout the Commission.Ó  Work on the home page will be a priority so we can get the site up and running.  We can build the site after it is up.

3.4   Carol gave an update on the Forest Legacy Project (a federal program) on 7,000 acres of land in Washington, Goshen, Bradford and Newbury.  The project hopes to purchase a conservation easement on parcels north of Halfmoon and Island Ponds.  This land abuts Pillsbury and Sunapee State Parks.  The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has been working on this project for the last few years.  A letter has been sent on behalf of the Conservation Commission (the Selectmen are also sending a letter) in support of this project, and all are encouraged to write.  The address has been sent to all Con Com members; please let Carol or Mike know if you need another copy, or for more information (495-3195).  Many letters of support have already reached the Forest Service office in Durham, and an additional 2,500 acres has been pledged for protection as a match for this project.  The conservation easement encourages the land to stay actively managed for responsible timber management and recreation (very important for the snowmobile and hiking trails in Washington).

3.5   The Conservation Commission report has been sent to the Selectmen.

3.6   WhatÕs happening in nature?  We have gotten over 30Ó of snow already this season.  Don mentioned that there has been another possible cougar siting in New Hampshire.



4.0  Natural Resource Inventory:

4.1   We should work on the NRI through the website.  The layout of the site gives us a good way to break up the NRI into pieces.


5.0  New Business

5.1   There will be a hike out on the SPNHF JourneyÕs End land on February 15th.  This will be co-sponsored by the Washington Conservation Commission.  Time to be announced.

5.2   Carol brought up the question of a new chairperson.  MikeÕs schedule is still going to be difficult in 2003.

5.3   Don has been working with the Selectmen on a map of the town roads for the Town Report.

5.4   Carol mentioned that NH Public Television will air a documentary on sprawl in New England ÒLivable Landscapes:  Chance or ChoiceÓ on January 29th at 8 p.m.  This one-hour documentary has been a collaborative effort of many organizations including SPNHF, the Statewide Program of Action to Conserve our Environment (SPACE), NHPTV and many others.  Mike will get a copy of this video after it airs.  We will be able to use this as an educational tool in Washington.  Please plan to watch!



6.0 Correspondence:

            NH Municipal Association  ÒHow to Fund the Acquisition of Conservation LandÓ by Susan Slack

            BIA Water Symposium Õ02 on Friday, December 13

            DES ÒNH Environment 2001Ó



7.0   Adjournment:  8:35 p.m.                   


7.1  Next Meeting Date:   Thursday, January 2nd at 7:00 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,




Carol K. Andrews



cc:  Board of Selectmen

       Planning Board