Minutes- March 15, 2006



1.0 Assembly: Time 7:00 p.m.

Present: Sandy Robinson, Carol Andrews, Mike Andrews, Don Richard, Jed Schwartz, Jack Sheehy, Chris Kane, Pete Ingraham.


2.0 Approval of Minutes: Sandy moved that we approve the minutes as printed. Second by Mike. Motion passed.


3.0 Old Business:

3.1 Dredge and Fill Committee- no activity

3.2 Adopt a highway will schedule clean up days on Fridays.


4.0 Natural Resource Inventory:

4.1   This meeting was largely a working session for the NRI. Chris and Pete asked questions and the group commented on one map that was made for town meeting. Don stated that he thought we should include the class 2 forest soils on the map. Group also suggested that we screen 10-15% of the town border, emphasize the town boundary , bring out the conservation lands and snap the lines to make the town line agree with parcel lines. The aerial is planned to be the base map.

      We will wait for the new Fish and Game data to come out.

      Chris and Pete were given lots of information, including town histories to include in the NRI.

      Carol will give Chris a copy of the Town Forest Management Plan, prepared by Lionel Chute.

Chris will give us a worksheet for assigning values for the co-occurrence mapping. Many groups assign equal values to resources, but we are going to try to bring our own weights into this process.

      Buildout analysis will consist of two maps: absolute constraints (wetlands, open water, steep       slopes, etc.) and partial constraints.

WeĠd like to get input for cultural/historic resources in town. The group suggested Div. of Historic Resources, Washington Historical Society and the Jagers. Chris was involved with a townwide inventory of the stone structures in Warner.

      We may want to have a public event where we GPS some of the cultural features in town.


5.0 New Business: none


6.0 Correspondence:

            Saving Special Places Conference brochure April 1, Wolfeboro

            NH Association of Conservation Commission newsletter

            Department of Environmental Services newsletter

            NH Department of Transportation Adopt a highway


7.0   Adjournment: 8:30 p.m.                   

7.1 Next Meeting Date: April 19th at 7:00 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,



Carol K. Andrews, Chair