Washington Energy Committee

January 13, 2011



Present: Johanna, Lindley, Bob, and Al


Dec. Minutes were approved, except with one change. Bob mentioned his son had helped with some electric work related to the PV project in December.


Old business:


PV project – Al reported that the panels have finally been mounted and all the panels are in. The electricians now need to do their wiring. Once they have completed their work, they can install the inverters and put the panels on line.


A fence will go up around the panels. The highway dept. will be responsible for maintaining the panels (clearing snow, etc).  Once the panels are completed, Al could be in touch with John (the installer) to do the education part for the school. Makes much more sense to do this in the spring when the weather will be warmer. The panels were made in Massachusetts and they were assembled in the workshop of Solar Source before they were lifted by a crane and mounted on the racks. The project is scheduled to be completed within a week. Al reports the selectmen were not happy with the slow pace of the project. Once they are completed, Al will take a photo and give to Michelle for inclusion in the town report.


Movie – Johanna and Al will check out Netflix to see if we can find a good movie to show related to energy.


New business:


RIGGI is being threatened by a repeal. The town has benefited from RIGGI funds through an energy inventory and audit of the town hall. Al will alert us about hearings coming up.


Johanna mentioned possibly having a wild foods dinner when there are edibles available. Lionel may be able to help with identification of edible plants.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be in February. Bob will not be here, as he will be traveling.


Respectfully submitted,


Johanna Young, WEC, Chair