DRAFT: Energy Committee Minutes

April 9, 2008


Present: Jerry Klohs, Kitty West, Al Krygeris, Lindley Rankine and Johanna Young


1.0           The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.

2.0           Minutes from March 13 were approved

3.0           Old Business

¯    Film series: we agreed to show the Great Warming as our first green film, Jerry will reserve at the library; if that is not available he will choose another film.

      Al agreed to make a flyer and post it at the library, General Store, P.O.,

      East Washington bulletin board

      Location: Camp Morgan: Date May 9, 7 p.m.

      Johanna can write a short article for The Villager.

            We will provide popcorn and encourage people to bring desserts to share.

            When show the next film, we hope to have a potluck


¯    Monadonack Energy Initiative: we were invited to attend a talk sponsored by MEI, but none of us were able to make it. We hope to make it to a future meeting so we can learn from other local energy groups. Al said that technically we are part of the Sunapee Region and not Monadonack, but we are very close to the border. Johanna mentioned the Carbon Coalition has a Wiki page where NH Energy Committees can share information and events. She has to look at it more closely to see how to use it.


¯    Washington Farmer's Market will begin Memorial weekend and run through Oct. It is $3 for a table and $30/season.  Johanna plans to put out information about energy conservation and information about our energy committee and hopes to participate as a vendor selling gluten-free muffins, sun tea and greeting cards of local sights.


¯    Jerry's school project: Jerry has purchased a book called "The Everything Kids" Environment book by Sheri Amsel and hopes to do a project with the kids using some ideas from the book. Kitty West purchased a model of a green home that could be put together for teaching purposes. However, in looking at it Jerry felt it was too complex for a short presentation. Kitty will return it to the store.


4.0           Kitty suggested we get kids involved in planting a community garden near the school, but Al wondered if that would work since the kids would be on summer vacation during the harvest.  We also discussed if that is something we could do with summer camp children.


Meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. Next meeting is Thursday, May 8 at 7 p.m., Town Hall.