Washington Energy Committee

September 9, 2010 Minutes


Minutes were approved with correction of typos.


Al reported that bids for the PV installation for the town garage must be in by noon on Sept. 23rd. RFP is now out. So far three have expressed interest.


Website – Johanna will ask Nan to add my energyplan.net to the website. Bob had a question about rebates for hot water heaters.


Bob's neighbor want to know which incentives still remain for solarizing a house.


Al suggested we host a Button-up Workshop for energy conservation. Johanna to follow-up with an email.  We would advertise to surrounding towns and Bob says seniors could do the coffee and goodies. Churches, American legion might also be places to advertise.


Al suggested we write a proposal for what work needs to be done to the police office and present it at a town meeting to see if the selectmen would like to put it on the warrant for consideration at town meeting. Proposal would need to be done by December.


Al has been importing 2009 data into EPA, thanks Al! Now working on the school data.


Johanna brought up the possibility of adding an energy policy into the Master plan. Bob said that there would be no one to enforce. Should we have a policy anyway?


The Green building tour will be on the first weekend in October.


Adjourned at 7:54 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Johanna Young, Washington Energy Chair