Energy Committee Minutes
6, 2015
Present: Johanna Young Andrew Hatch, Al Krygeris
· Discussed
getting in touch with the Warm Neighbors group in Dunbarton
to invite ourselves there to see how they use their thermal imaging camera.
· Al attended
the Planning Board hearing on behalf of WEC and answered questions as needed.
· Andrew
is on a Planning Board sub-committee to talk about “next steps” for the town
plan. There is a meeting on Oct. 19th with Jean Cluck where actions
will be assigned.
· In
mid-November there will be an all-boards meeting during the day to review the
Action Plan – date TBA.
· We
received the formal notification via snail mail that we were awarded the grant
of $995 to purchase a thermal camera. A report is due on 9-24-16. Andrew has
already purchased the camera at lower cost so difference could be used to
purchase materials such as window kits
· Andrew
contacted Tim Wolfe via email to confirm that Mr. Wolfe still would like to be
a test case for thermal imaging of heat loss.
· Diane
Reinhardt, director of weatherization program at COVER in WRJ did a walk-thru
at the Gibsons, residents who had asked WEC for
advise, to see what weatherization projects they could
do to save energy in their new historic home. They have unusual windows so
normal window covering will not work for their home. They were appreciative of
the tips.
does weatherization projects for low-income clients. Diane has been with COVER
for 20 years and therefore has a lot of experience. Diane suggested a blower door
is the best way to find leaky spots in a home. She also said we could purchase
window covers at wholesale price from COVER. They get their kits from a company
in NJ. COVER does about 80
weatherization projects a year, saving about 123 gallons yearly.
· Meeting
adjourned at 8:30 pm. Al joined the meeting towards the end as he was at the
Select Board Meeting.
Respectfully submitted by,
Johanna Young, Secretary Pro Temps