Revised Washington Energy Committee Minutes

October 2009




Present:  Melissa Cole, Al Krygeris, Bob Frazer, Lindley Rankine and Johanna Young


¯    September minutes were approved with minor changes.


Melissa asked the chair to meet with her and the selectmen prior to the meeting to give update on many new developments.  Since Bruss Construction's initial proposal for 5 building audits made on Oct. 1, they have been a treasure-trove of help and information and have assisted other towns in their pursuit of stimulus monies. Today offer was made by Michael Bruss to defer payment of audit on Police (Old Schoolhouse) and to begin audit on that building, to give time to get funding for others.   Town Hall, Police, Library, Camp Morgan and Fire were reviewed and included in proposal.  Dan Vooris, who works in Bruss' office full-time to assist towns with funding submitted 2 pages of funding opportunities to Melissa which she gave to Selectmen and Energy Committee.  He also contacted OEP about Washington and relayed that info to Melissa.  Michael Bruss suggested she contact Energy Committees of other towns in pursuit of stimulus monies and provided names and phone numbers to get more funding info.  Al will accompany Ken and Melissa for 2nd estimate scheduled with GDS next week for review of same 5 buildings.


¯    Al said we should agree on things as a committee before meeting with selectmen.


¯    We discussed the audit proposal down by Bruss. 

¯    Melissa reports that many auditors are booked up til February.  Al had provided Melissa with 4 new auditors who were contacted.  Very few are independent and must sign on for the retrofit work with them to get them to do the audit.  The reputable ones are cooperative with one another and lend out equipment to each other to get the job done and get all towns done on time. 


¯    An audit would require that  we seek grants to cover the costs of an audit.

(Note: NH Municipal Energy Assistance Program will cover all by 10% of one professional decision grade audit of one of the town's  low performing municipal buildings).


¯    Al said an audit would be worth doing it as it would save the town money and also help us to get more funding for energy efficiency projects. Al mentioned the school heat is literally going through the roof as ice dams build up on the roof during the winter. Discussed which buildings should be audited? Selectmen are interested in having the Town Hall audited. Melissa would like the library to stay in the mix.


¯    Ed Thayer asked Al for information on alternative ways of heating the town garage. There is already radiant heating there.


¯    Lindley suggested we find someone to come to us to talk about funding opportunities during an evening. (Note: NH MEAP will be assisting us with the funding process).


¯    Melissa notes many auditors are booked through February.  Michael Bruss confirmed this week that schools are presently being audited by Jordin Institute and are separate from the EECBG.


¯    Al's solar energy installation has gone well and he has generated 273 kwh in a little over a month.


¯    Bob has resigned from the committee effective October 2009 for health reasons. We thank Bob for organizing the windmill tour and helping gather data for the inventory of municipal buildings.


¯    We will show the movie, Solar Energy: Saved by the Sun on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Washington Congregation Church. All are invited.


¯    Johanna would welcome someone else on the committee taking over the taking of the minutes.


Respectfully submitted,



Johanna Young