Town of Washington Energy Committee

MINUTES -  October 7, 2007


1.1 Meeting called to order at 11:00 AM

1.2 Members: Johanna Young, Jerry Klohs, Lindley Rankine, Douglas Cook and Kitty West


2.1 The Model Bylaws from the Committee Handbook found at the website was reviewed and edited.

2.2 Edits were made to the following sections: I. Mission, II. Membership and VI, Amendments.

2.3 For full document, see attachment.


3.1 The committee elected the following officers

3.2 Chairperson: Johanna Young, Vice Chairperson: Jerry Klohs, Clerk: Douglas Cook and Treasurer: Kitty West


4.1 The committee proposed that the regularly scheduled meeting will take place on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM


5.1 Jerry Klohs proposed that the light sensor on the external light be relocated into a position more situated in the direct sunlight.

5.2 The committee also discussed the addition of a motion sensor for external lights.

5.3 A committee member will talk with the Police Department to determine if they have a need for the light to be on 24hrs a day.


6.1 Jerry Klohs has an interest in going into the Elementary School to offer education about energy and conservation.

6.2 A Resource for classroom and public education is


7.1 Ideas about possible long term goals will be discussed during the next meeting

7.2 One idea mentioned the meeting was to asses the townÕs resources in natural energy, i.e. solar, wind, hydro, etc.


8.1 The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM


Douglas Cook

Energy Committee Clerk

Washington Energy Committee Bylaws


I. Mission

The mission of the Washington Energy Committee is to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency, and explore other ways to reduce carbon emissions among the town's residents, businesses and in municipal affairs.  The committee aims to assist the town in addressing the above goals as laid out in the town meeting vote on March 11, 2007.  These goals will be accomplished through educational activities and programs designed to encourage people to pay attention to their energy needs, consumption habits, and short- and long-term interests.  The committee may make recommendations, cooperate, and communicate with town officials, boards and commissions as well as public and private groups and individuals with similar concerns, and with the appropriate agencies of the state, regional, and federal governments.

II. Membership

The Washington Energy Committee shall be open to any Washington resident who wishes to volunteer.  The committee will be held accountable as a sub-committee of the Washington Conservation Commission.

III. Officers

The committee shall elect the following officers annually at the first meeting of the group after the scheduled appointments:

A.  Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the committee and when he or she is present and shall direct the work of the committee.  The chair may appoint annually chairs of any standing committees from the membership as approved by the committee. The chair shall submit a brief annual report to the Board of Selectmen for publishing in the Annual Town Report.

 The Chair shall ensure continuing liaison between the committee and the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and other town agencies and departments.

B.  Vice Chairperson shall assume all duties and powers in the absence of the chairperson.

C.  Clerk shall keep minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the committee and record and action taken.  Clerk shall post notices of committee meetings and give notice to members when necessary.  Minutes shall be submitted to the Town Clerk and Board of SelectmenÕs office for filing.

D.  Treasurer shall recommend action on all bills received by the committee.  Treasurer shall ensure the authorization of payment of any bills, as approved by the committee, for submission to the Board of Selectmen for payment.  Treasurer shall submit an annual financial statement to the Town.  The Treasurer shall consult with the town Treasurer to insure compliance with the state law.

IV. Meetings

The committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with NH RSA 91-A, and be held at a regular time and place when possible.  The time and place of each meeting shall be posted in accordance with these requirements.  All records and minutes of any committee meeting or action shall be filed with the Town Clerk and Board of Selectmen and be made available to the public.

Four members shall constitute a quorum.  Members shall make every effort to attend all meetings and perform such duties as are assigned.  Any member unable to attend a meeting shall notify and officer of the committee and make a report available for that meeting if requested.

V. Operating Expenses

The committee shall have the authority to request appropriations from the Board of Selectmen as part of their budget.  Any other funds appropriated to the committee shall be maintained in accordance with state financial requirements for the purpose of the committee.  The committee shall have the authority to recommend to the Selectmen that they receive gifts, grants, or money from any sources that shall be held for the purposes of the committee and used solely for these stated purposes.  Any funds from private, state, or federal sources that impose any obligation on the Town shall be accepted only by consent of the Board of Selectmen.

VI. Amendments


These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the committee by a consensus of the committee.  Written notice of intent to amend must be publicly posted, sent to each member of the committee, and sent to the Board of Selectmen, at leas seven days prior to the meeting at which the proposed action is to be taken.