Washington Energy
Present: Al Krygeris, Lindley Rankine, Bob Fraser and Johanna Young
Solar Project – Al reported that TRC has rejected the large inverter that was made in Austria and instead Solar Source will use 3 smaller USA made inverters. It will cost an extra $1,000, but there was room in the budget.
Al has inputted all the '09 data for portfolio manager and we can now make the changeover to the new system MEAP has been strongly recommending (MUNICAL ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROJECT). Johanna to send an email to Michelle to provide authorization for the switch.
Town Meeting Report: Johanna will start the report and Al can fill in the gaps. The report is due Dec. 1, 2010.
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Johanna Young, WEC Chair