Conservation Commission – Land Protection Committee
May 16, 2011 6:30PM Town Hall
Attending: Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Jed Schwartz, Nan Schwartz
Joined by Arin Mills at 6:15PM
We discussed that a chunk of the Farnsworth Hill town forest has been taken by another party. We need to talk to the Selectmen about this. The piece has been given to Wayne Burgess. The town should go back to the surveyor to ask them to pull the pins and resurvey the lines. We will ask Lynn for the survey and talk to Tom Taylor about what is being done by Forestry Committee.
We discussed the Eccardt Farm easement addition project. There are some problems with it. Sandy made a motion to accept that the Eccards have agreed to protect the 5 acre parcel without a conservation easement but respecting the same conditions that are on the CE piece, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.
We discussed the town owned lots and whether mergers were being done. Nan to check on the status.
We discussed the Farnsworth Hill possible project. Jed left it with Brian (SPNHF) to reach out to the Brightons and walk to piece and try to call the owner and say they are still interested. Sandy said we should make a commitment to put in 20K. We discussed. Carol asked if the BrightonÕs project is contingent on a bigger project. We need to discuss with them. We feel that John should take the lead.
Adjourned: 7:00PM
Regular meeting followed.