If you attended the Open House at the
if you bought a raffle ticket,
if you gave us a donation,

Looking out over the pasture
and corn field toward the wooded lots proposed for conservation
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful fall day for the
Open House, even though it was a little windy, the leaf colors
were spectacular.

A large crowd of people attended the Open House and learned
about the farm's conservation easement, visited the animals
and farm museum, checked out the trail, took a horse or tractor
drawn hay ride, shopped at the Farm Store, bought a pumpkin,
made a donation and enjoyed a delicious lunch. We
thank you for coming out to support the farm and enjoying
the day!

Pictures by Kayla Schwartz and
Jed Schwartz
We congratulate the lucky winners of the raffle prizes:
10 pints Walpole premium Ice Cream - Carolyn Bullock
10 pounds grass-fed Eccardt Farm ground beef - Bob Wright
10 dozen Spring Meadow Farm eggs - Bruce Merrow
1 Creamery Farm Leg of Lamb or Rack of Lamb - Bob Hofstetter
2 quarts local Maple Syrup - Fred Keene
12 Eccardt Farm picture note cards - Kevin Dalphonse
10 bars Handmade Soap - Joan Max
2 Eccardt Farm T-Shirts - Elaine Kidd
Thanks to everyone who bought a raffle ticket, you may not
have won a prize but you helped to contribute to the easement
We want to thank the following businesses and individuals
for their generous contributions and help in making the Open
House a success:
The Washington Snowriders for grilling up delicious
Eccardt Farm burgers
Walpole Creamery for donating the ice cream
for the raffle
Spring Meadow Farm for donating the eggs
for the raffle
Gould Hill Farm for the apple and cider donation
Ed Thayer and family for donating the maple
syrup for the raffle
Creamery Farm for donating the lamb for the
Eccardt Farm and Eccard Family for all their
Jim and Marianne Garvin for the hay rides
Michelle Dagesse, Sandy Poole, Colleen Duggan, the
Corner Store, the Washington General Store, the Eccardt Farm
Store, Jim Gaskell, Arline France, Laura Rizzi and Barbara
Druid for selling many raffle tickets
Premier Printing, Barbara Gaskell for the
raffle tickets and banner
Washington Highway Department for bringing
the picnic tables
Thanks to everyone who stopped at the Conservation
Commission's booth and gave us a donation for this worthy
be found at the Eccardt's Farm Store and in the Town Hall,
or make a pledge online (click
here), or you can send a check to the Conservation Commission
at 7 Halfmoon Pond Road, Washington, NH 03280, (write
Eccardt Farm in the memo line). A donation of any
size will help us meet our fundraising goal.
Thank you ALL for your help to support the Eccardt
Farm and your help in keeping agriculture local!
