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WCC Meeting Minutes Wildlife Inventory plants and trees inventory

NRI Maps and Conservation Plan with Maps

added to the Washington Master Plan in September 2007
Please choose the document format you want by clicking below,
the documents with no maps are smaller and all maps are available separately below.


Natural Resource Inventory document with maps (35 MB) - Word format

Natural Resource Inventory document with maps (26 MB) - PDF format

Natural Resource Inventory document no maps (15 MB) - Word format

Natural Resource Inventory document no maps (11 MB) - PDF format


Conservation Plan document with maps (4 MB) - PDF format

Conservation Plan document with maps (5 MB) - Word format

Conservation Plan document no maps (1.4 MB) - PDF format

Conservation Plan Map (2.9 MB) - PDF format

Conservation Plan Map (330KB) - Word format

NRI MAPS - Final and updated maps
Warning - some of these are very large files and may take a long time to load

Aerial Map - updated - PDF format - 4.8 MB
Biodiversity Map - updated - PDF format - 3.2 MB
Water Resources Map - uodated - PDF format - 6.3 MB
Wildlife Map - updated - PDF format - 3.5 MB
Historic & Cultural Features Map - PDF format - 8 MB
Soils Map - PDF format - 2 MB
Co-Occurance Map - updated - PDF format - 7.6 MB
Constraints to Development Map - updated - PDF format - 3.9 MB
Non-Constraint Areas Map - PDF format - 3 MB
Tax Parcel Map - updated - PDF format - 267 KB
Watershed Parcel Map - PDF format - 138 KB
Conservation Priortiy Areas Map - PDF format - 1 MB